
Monday, August 26, 2019

Writing: coding and songwriting considered

Have begun to appreciate more some of my own products, where is just about time. Like have been grateful that open source gave me an opportunity to put up a software product--with few worries.

So with open source you have code which is freely seen, and with open source licenses people can download and use legally--if they follow those rules. (Of course may also download and use illegally by violating those rules.) And I've had an open source software product called Class Viewer which is over 15 years old now. And so far this year has downloads from over 90 countries according to web stats at SourceForge where it is hosted.

Is such a new thing. There was no way when I wrote this little app for help with software development and shared, could realize how exactly would have most effect for me as this signature thing which consistently brings global attention. Is an entirely new thing and perspective on power of sharing ideas, like an open source software project. So yeah, is one of those emergent things of the 21st century with the arrival of the web.

But put songwriting in the title of this post as, to me? Songs are open source writing too.

Routinely have found myself now checking song lyrics on the web, glad they're available. As can be a bit tricky. You think you heard one thing, but maybe was something different. OR has been a bit of time since heard a song, and want to quote a lyric correctly.

But those same songs are NOT free, of course. Just because you can get the lyrics, and am sure the music for some copyrighted song, does NOT mean you can start using it commercially yourself.

Now for a divergence. Here is a link to a song am considering might finish. Who knows if I ever will, and occurs to me putting up ideas for a song not even fully written? Could make it easy to STEAL but am not worried for some reason.

As we move further into the age of the web I do think some naive notions have collapsed. Like what if I had code for sale, where code was open? Think no one would pay? Like maybe you'd think no one would pay for a song...ok, you know better there.

What if some legitimate business entity considered using my code, which they could just copy off the web, without paying me? And I found out? Would they remain a legitimate business entity? Nope.

That would be theft. So yeah, there might be people stealing your code, but they're nasty people anyway, who if you knew were so capable, would you want to do business with them anyway, even if they had the money?

I would not.

Am willing to predict that in time, the business relationship and business trust are going to gain a LOT more value. And if you get caught stealing? In the age of the web? That can get known all over the world with a quickness. And you could find yourself having to do business in different circles.

We're not there yet though, but can imagine. And yeah, wouldn't want to do business with ANYONE capable of just stealing code from me, just because they could.

Just like wouldn't want to do business with anyone who would steal a song of mine, if could actually finish one which was a hit. Kind of like that example as of course is kind of outlandish.

But yeah, songwriting does involve some people who write for a paycheck. Am guessing now maybe more with jingles for commercials? But also the world of songwriting is also a much bigger landscape.

So why not same for lots of other kinds of writing? Maybe the future is there.

And you might have coders, who write for a paycheck, but others who own their code which is open and they sell use, or also I guess, coders also who still write some closed code for some buyer.

But yeah, as contemplate being able to be known all over the world with just ONE thing? (Have other global things too though will add.) Where mattered was open? Am so glad is mine, you know? Where yeah, do realize feel like songwriters might just understand.

James Harris

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