
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Problem solving reality

To me problem solving is not an academic exercise and it's not about a particular area: problems are everywhere. Since I imagine myself to be a problem solver I can delve into any number of areas as I see fit, and while in the past I've focused a lot on mathematics and computer science, I've also been thinking about pop culture and practical issues like the conundrum of how to make money on the Internet.

That one has become ever more fascinating to me as I realize that there are very weird things about the Internet. For instance, taking the time to pause as I write this post and check Google Analytics about this blog (pausing) I find I have hits from 89 cities in 29 countries in the last 30 days. But a pathetic number of visits! 162.

What gives? I mean, before the Internet, talking about getting attention of any kind from 29 countries I'd think would be a big deal! But now it means nothing in terms of remuneration. Nothing.

Focusing on the problem then of value on the Internet I've come up with a new concept as a problem solving effort:

Pay Back Value concept

There are a couple of things that occur to me while considering this latest idea, as I think back to past ideas for which I had high hopes, like DMESE. And kind of wonder why I bother, but then again, why not?

Puzzles are puzzles not because they are easy and obvious. If they are easy and obvious then I say, they aren't really puzzling!!!

And I'm not the only one puzzling through the Internet money conundrum as I like to call it, as even big players are facing inordinate difficulty despite bringing a lot of value to the table.

I am mega international by the city and country counts for this blog according to Google Analytics. Yet this blog pales in comparison to my math one which in the last 30 days had hits from 450 cities in 59 countries (my country count dropped as I was at 61 a few days ago).

But how many visits? Only 1517.

For the year my math blog has had 5682 visits from 1220 cities in 93 countries.


It's hard for me to understand how there isn't more monetary value in there somewhere, so the problem solving exercise is to puzzle out the conundrum--and deliver what ideas I may have to the world.

After all, solving my problems can solve those of others, and then it's the desired win-win.

For me proving my problem solving ability is not about a particular area--but about solving problems, and the Internet money conundrum is a big one.