
Friday, October 18, 2019

One human species? Yeah.

The urge to group humans by those who invented race was not just about delusions of their own superiority, was also about an easier handle.

Like in the United States for American slaveowners, group punishment required group identification.

But is like with the label Asian as used in my country. To an American racist, if you have some people from China, some people from South Korea, North Korea and Japan in the same room? They are to THAT racist all SIMPLY Asians.

And said person may make various claims about them as a group, as if their nationalities were irrelevant. But also if they are subordinate in some way, like are employees at same company? That racist might talk of a group policy--towards Asians.

So is also a way to lower the importance of human difference. Like by claiming that frictions for historical reasons between Koreans, Chinese and Japanese are irrelevant for that person, an American racist can in effect claim that such things are tiny in comparison to a perceived greater dominance.

Does give me problems will admit, as various titles for groupings in the US have shifted finally to Black for many, or African American. But for Black folks who go visit the African continent, can be jolting have heard: In a place where your skin color does not supposedly provide any grouping at all.

Being dark skinned in Africa? Why would that be considered a race indicator?

Of course race is a social construct, and we can trace out why was constructed, but does not change continuing impacts. Like slave masters also wanted to be able to whip their slaves for punishment, but whipping an adult, never whipped? That person can go into shock and die. A solution might brutally use to prepare for the shock? -- Beat children to get them ready for the whip as adults. Was myself beaten with a leather belt by my father so brutally at 6 years old, my legs were bleeding. Slavery ended over 150 years ago. We have to face these things though.

Talk more on my blog Lost in Commentary: Facing the legacy of American slavery

So why not talk these things? I find the subject fascinating even though can be distressing. But one of the weird things about racists is the belief that they had awesome ancestors which makes them awesome too. So have noticed this insistence as if the history of American slavery somehow diminishes my ability. It does not.

Have talked some on my blog Seriously Commercial: Greek slaves would have laughed

People can have all kinds of wild ideas: especially when people wish to diminish or dominate others. But what YOU believe? Is still really up to you. I say that to also say: no excuses.

In our times the web lets truth flow freely. So you can read up on humanity, and learn how we are one species. You know, if you're actually curious, you know, about being human.

James Harris

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