
Saturday, August 03, 2024

Concepting: superhero creation

Found myself contemplating idea of a superhero who is a police photographer. And then figured identical twins could handle better. That way can dart away to handle superhero drama as other twin would just take over.

Here is full concept I tweeted out.

Concept scenario Twin Photog Crimefighters:

Identical twins share a love of photography, martial arts, and crime fighting!

After a freak event (your choice) gives them superpowers, they move to NYC (or your preferred) where one is a police photographer, while other is freelance.

They both are credentialed as police photographers and officers get used to having one or the other.

Where they keep radio communication so can race off for superhero things. With freelance twin best able to juggle saving the city with job.

Free idea. I wonder if is unique.


So that's what I tweeted. Can use concept to get abstractions for making up your own superhero. Can study to understand how that works.

This morning talked out with Llama 3.1 through Instagram access point and model had good ideas! I asked if could share some on ways superpowers might be gained.

From Llama 3.1

The origin story of how your Twin Photog Crimefighters gain their superpowers is a crucial element. Here are some ideas to consider:

1. Mysterious Camera: While exploring an old camera shop or thrift store, they stumble upon a mysterious, antique camera that imbues them with powers.

2. Chemical Accident: A freak accident involving photographic chemicals or a lab experiment gone wrong grants them superhuman abilities.

3. Alien Encounter: While on a photography assignment, they encounter an alien entity that bestows powers upon them.

4. Genetic Mutation: They discover they have a rare genetic mutation that's triggered by their passion for photography, martial arts, and justice.

5. Supernatural Event: A strange, supernatural occurrence (e.g., a meteor shower, solar eclipse, or mystical ritual) grants them powers.

6. Advanced Technology: They stumble upon advanced technology (e.g., a top-secret government project or a futuristic device) that enhances their abilities.

7. Magical Artifact: They find a magical artifact (e.g., a talisman, amulet, or crystal) that holds the power to grant superhuman abilities.

Feel free to mix and match elements or come up with something entirely new! The origin story should reflect the tone and direction you want your narrative to take.

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