
Friday, September 15, 2017

My perspective and correctness quest

Maybe a shorter behind the scenes might work. Have done several lately which got really long quickly, but will tell myself upfront, to keep this one short. And yeah got into idea of trying to figure some things out myself back in 1995, and realize now web was for the most part here, with Usenet and Internet with World Wide Web, which arrived in 1989, but so much was ahead, like social media on it, where I include blogs.

But timing for me was perfect as was using email for a bit bugging actual mathematicians when thought had some good ideas which got guilty fast, and they were nice. But was clear when your obvious mistakes are pointed out, when you're out of your league. So was kind of relieved to find on Usenet were math places public, and should have been ok. But the haters. They were just nasty, and no sense to it, but I was like, is free speech! And I'd keep posting even when they'd insult relentlessly as that was how they'd try to force people off. Was not going to reward their bad behavior with success for it. And that was long before the hater thing was really understood.

Regardless I was having so much fun though.

And that just made the haters more mad that insults didn't work the way they wanted. And I'd get lots of attention for my innovative approaches, which was fascinating really and I was wrong a LOT, but hey, mistakes come with trying. And reality is was making fewer and fewer mistakes as I learned. But regardless would own up when pointed out to me, which was why was so disappointed with my last spectacular mistake run, when found out some of those math folks had known of a mistake for SIX MONTHS while I went on and on. And didn't tell me what it was (they did say I had one though should admit). Getting kind of long already. Time to tighten up.

Oh but still so much fun! And by then was global, which was by 1999, but just with math things, and you're doing detective work to even figure that out. And web metrics is still primitive I think, even today with advanced tools, as so many people opt out.

Oh, oh but main thing is: you want to be correct! Is WAY easy to start getting people cheering you on, and believing in your things, which can be so FAST, and hurt when have to come back and say, sorry had some mistake. I got tired of that years ago. So is easy to be very upfront when speculating, or guessing, or trying out some new ideas to say hey, these things might go away!!!

These days the process is well worked out. And I don't work to convince. I try to share well.

So yeah is over 20 years now since started arguing things out, and trying out ideas, and battling at times with the haters, to the rather more mundane things like here on Beyond Mundane? Ok, isn't really mundane. Is beyond mundane. I don't argue. I work at how I share. Um, I think have covered what wanted to cover.

So yeah, not so much into doing things meant for fans--not claiming to have any--while do appreciate people interested in the work, as SO much disappointment had to deliver to people in the past when sketchy ideas collapsed. And now while on a constant quest for correctness, have a process to limit that bad news delivery. And is easier anyway, to just share some ideas where focus more on how that is done, and leave it up to others to decide if works for them or not. (So LOVE being a fan, but seems weird to think of having any. Maybe should figure out a way to get over that? But how? Maybe... Or...)

And the fun? Well that has just been a constant. And the adventure just keeps coming. And enough behind the scenes! Still kind of a long post I think.

James Harris

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