Realizing would have to resolve certain things to make money, where first endeavored to understand money completely, found myself talking my own story thoroughly, as part of what would need to be able to do, if doing business with others. Which was useful, and now has me with a better grasp of the point of sharing my ideas for me.
And yeah, my feeling for a LONG time was that IF found some great idea could just show to experts in that area and WHOOSH!!!
Figuring they'd be excited and then I would get a LOT of guidance on what should happen next and routinely in the past would be practicing speeches, and interviews with the press.
Then would watch in consternation as experts did NOTHING like that, and so check the ideas. Oh, ok yeah is correct. Check research around, and IS this a big deal problem to solve? Oh, ok, yeah it what's going on? Then I'd get upset, or frustrated, and was disappointment in that community I realized, which helped me greatly. Like am NOT a part of these communities. Am just someone who found some cool things to share. Like really emphasize am not a mathematician, and don't want to be, especially now.
Being a meta innovator means I get to range. Not stuck in a particular discipline which turns out is very important, and makes dysfunctional community behavior less potent. Still puzzling though.
Ideas do not care. Not like an idea will check with you to see to what human community you belong, you know? Discovery is.
Web does make the difference though, as actually would rather have objective evidence from third party sources that an idea draws interest from people all over the entire planet, as communities can get that wrong. Communities despite their best efforts are nowhere near as precise, unless relying on the web should add. Web authority has changed the game, and probably is necessary for a person to do what I do confidently, as otherwise, how would I know really? Web enables.
So the point of sharing ideas for me is to share something useful to others, where if there is extraordinary usefulness, expect an extraordinary response.
You figure excited people will talk something, and share with others, and most important?
Have questions about where those ideas can go.
One of the reasons I noted a sad, irony to the math things. They really don't have the option to ignore some of the things I found, if they wish to progress. And with over a decade with some things can just look and see they did not. And you wonder about decisions people make, and yeah, there are consequences.
So yeah, am more into the fun which DO feel myself, with a lot more freedom as have explained much, so there isn't that nagging suspicion that maybe I'm just missing something.
Where that freedom to just enjoy the ideas, their implications, and often now the changes can try to detect in the real world? Is a thrill like no other.
Sharing cool ideas is SO grand.
The best ideas do work. And that has so many meanings as they work in so many ways.
So yeah can better explain my story now, for business purposes. And it does amaze me how that kind of pressure can actually be helpful. That's cool to me too, because I did not understand that aspect before.
James Harris
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