Having ideas outside of your own areas of recognized authority is kind of fun, where all along had plans if found something to rely on that which is. So like with math? Go show to some mathematicians and that should be that, which I did. Would get recognized as correct, and then...nothing, except once where things got even weirder than just nothing.
Was not the reaction I expected.
So to recap a bit, early on when first started looking for my own math thing, which began in 1995, made a bunch of mistakes. And at FIRST talked to mathematicians then as am good at reaching out. Felt guilty then, and came across Usenet which I accessed through Google Groups where could talk math as much as I wanted. There also made mistakes as brainstormed but for a bit posters there would point out my errors, until 1999, when they refused for six months with a HUGE one.
Was so certain too that I had this great discovery, and had NOTHING. They made fun of me for six months, until I finally released emotion holding on to the desire of success, and immediately could see the mistake. Math does not care. My need to be right? My fantasies of world adulation? Worthless.
When I finally let go, promptly found myself expanding possibility with a new technique, where had invented my own mathematical discipline, and time of error? Was gone, for the most part.
Did make some more mistakes but no longer relied on others pointing out as developed better methods, learning from that six months. And eventually had something sent to math journals until one published. Then things got really weird. But yeah, for those who don't know, am a published mathematical author with ONE paper. Math journal's chief editor later tried to pull my paper, leaving an odd hole. A little bit later the entire math journal shutdown.
So yeah, have gone to the establishment authorities in mathematics, found confirmation, where just talked one so far with that paper actually. There are others, where to me things get weird.
Like got SO mad with one mathematician where went to university when he suggested, who was really polite, but who after listening to me explain in detail, he just said, ok and went home. I went home which was a four hour drive back, and got to email. And my emails got nastier and nastier and walked up the chain of the university, until they blocked me.
How? How? How could he listen, understand was correct and just then do NOTHING else regarding the result?
One mathematician took a sudden sabbatical when sent one of my results. When returned after months claimed he'd never seen it, and no was not interested in looking at it now.
Another mathematician to whom I emailed my innovative way to count prime numbers, replied such a thing as how it worked couldn't be done. And I replied, but you have it. He did not reply further.
Let's talk an entirely different area than math, where considering I think helped me. As recently finally joined the ride sharing revolution by going some place through Lyft. Where Uber is more international now so will mention for reference. And was great!
Yet why are not taxi companies embracing wholeheartedly these wonderful ideas shown, like letting people give you address on web from a smartphone? Or paying on web entirely for ride so not doing so directly with driver? (If any are I haven't noticed. But should put this aside just in case.)
Those are the big ones, right?
Instead news I've seen is a relentless battle against companies introducing such innovations though usually that is with Uber. Will note haven't seen anything with Lyft, but also they are not as big yet.
Why wouldn't taxi companies merely adopt all the innovations rapidly? Making it easier for me to get a ride, as I LOVE those features? Not so into trying to get a dispatcher on the phone. Waiting for the taxi, wondering where it is. Call back dispatcher, who is maybe more grumpy now, even if he's explaining delay. Looking out constantly till taxi arrives. Get in taxi, ask hesitantly, take credit cards? And hear, no.
And am like, huh?
People in establishment positions can find that knowledge isn't as important to them, as how they've done things.
Oh, so yeah, notice I hedge often when discussing my results, and will say usually not officially recognized, except for that one published paper or something along those lines. Or will say my ideas are not promoted properly through establishment folks or something of that nature.
But yeah, have had confirmation routinely. Just what does NOT happen after has been dramatic.
Learned to curb my enthusiasm. Ponder the situation. To me knowledge should compel experts in an area. But not like I can make another person do what I want, and really shouldn't try.
To me? The excitement should drive you.
Oh yeah, didn't give any dates. Was talking much ancient history for me, with things primarily from 2003 and 2004. But yeah, why bother people who really aren't interested? There is not much point. So mostly I just leave mathematicians alone now.
Do send them things every once in a while just so can say I did my due diligence.
These days they do not even bother replying.
Knowledge has to compel people, which requires interest, or why would they do anything with it?
James Harris
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