
Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Publication on the fly with AI

This blog has SO MUCH content can cruise literally for years and keep finding things. I piled on with very highly concentrated information sharing -- expecting arrival of machines to help process.

Imagine: blogs with AI web packaging capability that can generate say an ebook for YOU focusing on areas of YOUR interest, for a fee naturally. Is publication on the fly.

Here's a link to a Google doc with AI presentation of web packaging more general concept: Packaged Content Concept

Free ideas shared for global good! Note was at a research site hosted by and definitely wanted to use appropriately. Prompt was part of testing AI capabilities.

Saturday, August 03, 2024

Concepting: superhero creation

Found myself contemplating idea of a superhero who is a police photographer. And then figured identical twins could handle better. That way can dart away to handle superhero drama as other twin would just take over.

Here is full concept I tweeted out.

Concept scenario Twin Photog Crimefighters:

Identical twins share a love of photography, martial arts, and crime fighting!

After a freak event (your choice) gives them superpowers, they move to NYC (or your preferred) where one is a police photographer, while other is freelance.

They both are credentialed as police photographers and officers get used to having one or the other.

Where they keep radio communication so can race off for superhero things. With freelance twin best able to juggle saving the city with job.

Free idea. I wonder if is unique.


So that's what I tweeted. Can use concept to get abstractions for making up your own superhero. Can study to understand how that works.

This morning talked out with Llama 3.1 through Instagram access point and model had good ideas! I asked if could share some on ways superpowers might be gained.

From Llama 3.1

The origin story of how your Twin Photog Crimefighters gain their superpowers is a crucial element. Here are some ideas to consider:

1. Mysterious Camera: While exploring an old camera shop or thrift store, they stumble upon a mysterious, antique camera that imbues them with powers.

2. Chemical Accident: A freak accident involving photographic chemicals or a lab experiment gone wrong grants them superhuman abilities.

3. Alien Encounter: While on a photography assignment, they encounter an alien entity that bestows powers upon them.

4. Genetic Mutation: They discover they have a rare genetic mutation that's triggered by their passion for photography, martial arts, and justice.

5. Supernatural Event: A strange, supernatural occurrence (e.g., a meteor shower, solar eclipse, or mystical ritual) grants them powers.

6. Advanced Technology: They stumble upon advanced technology (e.g., a top-secret government project or a futuristic device) that enhances their abilities.

7. Magical Artifact: They find a magical artifact (e.g., a talisman, amulet, or crystal) that holds the power to grant superhuman abilities.

Feel free to mix and match elements or come up with something entirely new! The origin story should reflect the tone and direction you want your narrative to take.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Considering AI imagery

Urge to express is as old as our species where much we communicate with words. While cave paintings reveal desire to also visually depict goes way back as well. Tools have improved though like consider this AI image:

AI Generated at Instagram 

The person depicted is AI imagined following my instructions. Our process involved talking through concepts starting with pop music. Eventually got to pop art. 

Got a synopsis of method from the AI model which is Llama 3.1 where I did minor changes for presentation like using bold and underline.

Collaborative AI Art Process:

1. Initial Concept: You shared a starting point, like a theme or image.

2. Iterative Refining: We engaged in a back-and-forth dialogue, refining ideas and exploring new directions.

3. Palette Development: We built a visual language through color, texture, and composition.

4. Emotional Depth: We aimed to evoke emotions and convey messages through our art.

5. Synergistic Feedback: Our collaboration merged human intuition with AI capabilities, creating something unique.

That of course is also extraordinary! The AI model can talk out process by which we worked. And human expression has reached another level of ability now AI augmented.

Here are others we also did.

AI generated at Instagram 
AI generated at Instagram

AI generated at Instagram 

Also concepted AI as reflecting us!

AI generated at Instagram

Last one is noting shift I think exists. As AI mirror us in generating new.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Genre descriptives with AI concept

Started thinking about streamlining process for getting help from AI with recommendations where focused to start on books and movies.

Like consider following prompt you can actually use if you wish.

Prompt for AI: Please give 5 mystery books that fit following descriptives.

Short descriptives: challenges authority, breaks to conclusion, atmospheric setting; clever investigator or investigators, satisfactory story resolution

With additional criteria of being set in 19th century with a gothic theme.


The system has schema: primary descriptives and dynamic discovery parameters.

Have only done descriptives for mystery, sci fi and horror. Where have short and long where is about preference which to use as either works.

And yeah can use for movies too!

Mystery descriptives: is challenging to authority, has a break to a surprising conclusion, relies on research as valuable; has atmospheric setting and has clever investigator or investigators focused on rationality who resolve story.

Short descriptives: challenges authority, breaks to conclusion, atmospheric setting; clever investigator or investigators, satisfactory story resolution

Sci fi descriptives: shows value of science, shows value of technology especially that needed for safe exploration; has characters with important knowledge whether scientific, engineering, or other, who value research.

Short descriptives: pro-science, pro-tech, pro-exploration, pro-authority

Horror descriptives: transitions well from collapse of normality, get to atmospheric dread, unveil deep dark secrets, and have failure of authority; lack satisfying resolution that resolves fears, but reach a sense of closure.

Short descriptives: transition with collapse of normality, have atmospheric dread; unveil secrets, have failure of authority; does not resolve fears, reach sense of closure.

Dynamic discovery parameters (optional): talk light or dark themes, time periods or places. Plus other things personally relevant.

Given as open and free to use, copy or distribute. Hoping to help people better partner with conversational AI.

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Logical space for fiction

Logical space is useful for virtual worlds which is great for fiction and video games. 

Yesterday had some ideas I tweeted. Even had AI review and were solid! So am using for this blog post. Really like phrase: logical space. But can also call logic space if prefer.

Like in Nier Automata the character 9s operated in logic space fighting into hostile alien systems.

Logic space is like with circuit diagrams. And cyber-battles can be intense!

There has actually been much with what can call logical space e.g. Tron which really was ahead of its time.

Now can ponder maybe with AI citizens in a virtual computer world visited by a human.

Which yeah has been done much now including in manga.

Benefit of a logical space is descriptives are completely in creative control.

So like humanoid figures can represent programs. Or travel through circuits can be shown with physical vehicles.

Thus giving complete freedom to craft a fully embodied world for interested audiences.