
Sunday, December 09, 2018

Contemplating--was wars over distribution?

Like to write that the web solved the information distribution problem. Seems simple enough, as for instance these words will go global--when I post. For now am watching them with interest as they march across the screen. Their reality is local only in the moment, with a transition to globally available but a click away.

But so much was distributed different before, so yes, there were wars, like over how to distribute music and especially popular songs. Wars against innovation that have very much ended, or simply evolved? Yes, I can download much with a buy now, but so much more do I want the opportunity.

But why would anyone stop me?

And what does distribution of information have to do with ride share really?

I think business at best is about producing a socially acceptable product or service and getting to a person or persons who want who repay the favor of the product or service with remuneration.

That is, like you build something cool that people want and they buy it from you.

Or maybe even not cool, but simply useful, but still you need people to actually pay for the thing, for a viable business.

But how do they even know you have it?

There then we get the modern wars over information distribution I think, as I contemplate these ideas and wonder. Am I even close to reality? But how would I know?

And have been focused more lately on the phrase--business trust.

Like I go to some established business and trust that if I can pay, will not only be allowed to buy something I want, but should be treated a certain way, like a good customer. And a customer is someone with the ability to pay, which means person has sufficient money, and should behave, in a socially acceptable way.

Is so much about society. But what is society really? How do we know?

Where quality I think is about lasting, and prefer things that will not only do what I want in the moment, but be there for me down the line. But then I think of food, where is quality with something so ephemeral in a way? I eat it and it is gone. But then again, there are memorable meals when I remember why I will pay more when I can, for better.

Memories can last a lifetime. Quality in life is not about the moment then? But how do we know what will last before it has lasted for us?

Web can have a depth to its information distributed. People can build a history here, there and everywhere that the web reaches and increasingly I do believe reaches a planet.

Yet I can only know so much. Others can know more useful to me, especially about quality of some product or service, but how do I know who I can trust?

Payment intermediaries I like to call those who with expertise can facilitate connecting a person who wants something, who is a good potential customer, with an entity that can provide that something, if yeah, is socially acceptable.

So yeah I think it DOES make sense. Then functionally the web eases the information distribution problem, which means there can be wars with those who were successful in a less efficient process. Where the web can better facilitate business transaction by effectively linking good customers with best business.

Yeah seems simple enough then. Makes sense to me. So then with just a click, goes global.

More information--distributed. But is it knowledge? I like think it was, or what is the point of the effort for me?

James Harris

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