
Saturday, November 18, 2017

Better defining effort

Firmly believe must do what one loves, and if find an audience shares interest, is great! But regardless do the things you love. While also most, like me, must find an audience, if only of one, for doing things for others for employment purposes, with remuneration. That is, most people need to have a paying job. Great if can coincide with what you love doing, of course.

And better defining efforts as to how that works has helped me. As grew up taught to just get a job, and maybe there was the possibility for getting beyond mundane of the usual, of finding other realms, which was actually mysterious like, how do you get discovered? Where now talk of those as preconceived notions. Were from lessons learned before possible in our times, when web can enable you to reach an audience, and can be a global one. But then what?

When you just want to get a job, you look for available ones through various means, endeavor to get an interview, and work to convince some person or persons you can do the work required. Generally you're looking at working for a business entity with a superior position in terms of establishment, money and other resources including infrastructure.

With the web, so much structure is abstract, if it exists at all.

Plenty of mechanisms for the remuneration, especially for employment purposes are still built for the world that was.

While modern money is an evolved wonder, allowing you to get a return on favors done for others, as an abstraction I claim is a social IOU backed up by society. Evolved wonder it may be, money regardless I theorize, flows in very distinct ways, where have a money flows reference post, which I DO check routinely. These abstractions are ones I try to use.

One HUGE problem on the web is the trust factor, as you can want someone to do something for you, or be wanted, but then there is structure in the world I no longer take for granted. I study it now.

One abstraction introduced recently addressing that area is the abstract payment intermediary, where some business entity in the middle facilitates transactions around flows of ideas.

Ideas can flow easily on the web. That part we know.

Having a system around those ideas, with buyers and sellers, and proper business, with as high a level of efficiency, trust and goodwill as can be found off the web, is I believe, a work in progress.

James Harris

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