A lot of the web to me is clearly promotional, like if I talk about my open source project here, even though it's free, people could assume am promoting it. And now it's clear that promotion is extremely valuable, as for instance on YouTube artists can go from millions or views at a billion or more, to huge actual sales.
However, often I think can hear a tone that seems to think any view or listen or consuming of information should be a purchase of some kind, which is contrary to basic human behavior. Like, can you imagine if the radio forced you to pay for each song you heard?
The problem I think can be about greed and distrust. There ARE apparently artists for instance who were looking to get paid for every single listen, even where people are just checking out their music. And I'm sure there are executives willing to try and force people to pay for anything and everything as well, even if something were just being promoted. And such people have generated a LOT of hostility.
The problem though is, when should you go from promotion to purchase? And thousands of years of human commerce tells us--when the potential buyer decides.
People typically will try to determine quality and buy something. Like you test drive a car. Or try on clothes.
Trying to force the buy, by the seller tends to make people angry, or generate other hostile emotions or maybe at best, simply run away behavior.
On the web, some have pushed against normal human buying behavior, in my opinion, from simple greed and distrust. They either don't want people checking for quality first, or they don't trust people to buy quality after. And they try to make it seem like any human interest should give them the option to force a buy. Or they talk as if just checking something out, is stealing from them. Such behavior is clearly stalling things, as actually limits business opportunity, generates distrust and anger, and in my opinion is just wrong.
MOST people I suggest to you are NOT thieves. While the modern web, and much of the early rhetoric that came out when people had limited options to buy, where things still are way too limited, were lots about various executives whining about what they saw as relentless thievery by people it sounded to me like they clearly hated.
I will admit I want ALL of those executives out of business. In my opinion they don't belong in business as they hate humanity.
There is a better way. Trust people to buy quality. Then you have to show them quality first, then give them the option to buy. Not complicated.
James Harris
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