Got lucky in so many ways where discuss much, as talked my backstory quite a bit more recently where used this blog primarily. And one word meant a lot for me, which is, unsettled. Where am glad had another word, professionalism, to ponder where solid ground could be found.
There is something about what like to call the stranger economy where you can go get wonderful things, as long as you have the money and behave somewhat yourself. Like few places want you walking in naked for anything, even if you're holding a wad of cash. And where can you get away with being rude? Or other things not to do could list? (Of course some places you are quite welcome nude.) We have to follow some rules, as humans, if we are to get things usually, from our fellow humans.
And being professional is very telling. But what is it really?
Easier to talk what it is not. Like actually had a vague plan in mind for my first interview with a major news organization, which was actually able to implement. That was because happened as a karaoke singer which have brought up before. And I was just one of several, for a fluff piece for the San Francisco Chronicle which ended up published literally on the last page.
But whoosh! That was the impact for me for a few days in the city, which is another subject. But what was fun was I knew by then I was global. But not in a way apparently that registers even now much with established press.
Have seized on one easily shared fact for one thing I have, which is a software tool, which I use which is for Java developers. With downloads from over 150 countries in its lifetime, I can focus on that as proof global.
My personal creation where I wrote every bit of it. Was all my decision to put it up and keep it up. And I still control my code completely, though also is open source which means that is not suppressive in any meaningful way. Others could build from if they wished.
So I would ask myself, to move from surreal to real: how many people can put up something entirely their own which can gather any kind of attention from over 150 countries? That one would stump my ability to try to rationalize away as maybe nothing important. Then though that other thing would gain greater force--unsettled. Not much else made sense as forced myself to focus objective.
But got fun out of it, with a very unprofessional interview for my first interview with a major news organization as San Francisco Chronicle qualifies. Had been drinking before the reporter informed he would be interviewing me and others, but hey, is a karaoke bar, of course! Got to drinking more.
Directed him around to other singers till he got to me last, and I cursed every other word. He just smiled benignly at me. Have told this story before but guess love it so much, so like to repeat it.
Of course no curse words would make it into what made it into the paper but I was happier that way anyway. Not like I would want that published, you know?
Was a flight from my ideas really. Even the silly of it, was an escape. And have talked that subject more as well. My ideas are always there though. They challenge me relentlessly. I work hard to find ways to feel more settled.
Was just the thrill of being able to do that wild interview when knew it would not matter, for once. My aim now of course for any other interviews is to be a consummate professional is the phrase. Like I should write that down, maybe even to make certain is clear even to myself. Ok I tell myself. Ok.
There are just rules we need to follow as humans beings if we wish to get along well with our fellow human beings. Writing things down helps me, really it does.
Do aim so much to be, civilized.
Talking about things now where am so glad were SO many years ago, can feel like distant subjects. Am lucky there too. Things barely had time to consider in the past finally feel make sense to me now.
Where so much finally does feel, settled.
James Harris
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