
Saturday, February 03, 2018

Effort reality and questioning artistry

You can work at something with quite a bit of effort, and hone it over a period of decades using as many skills as you have in an area. The product of that effort may not interest your fellow humans.

And yeah, a human being can work at something, but doesn't mean is good, or interesting to others. And hobbies are great too. Where there is value in the effort regardless.

That reality though that a person can pursue art in some sense, where that gives no support, is something have long taken for granted. Even for people who take the label of artist there is that reality of doing things for others to get paid. You have to support yourself, unless you're supported by others which includes inheritance or winning the lottery.

And I tend to think that is a purity in and of itself, when dragged from even the idea of doing art, must simply work, for enough money, to live a life that isn't too messed up. Though lots of stories of artists who do not manage that one.

So how do you know what you are doing is art?

My thinking is, you do not. And history is full of stories where people were told what they did was art, and celebrated as great artists...who simply disappeared so you have to dig to find those stories. That is not fun. Have not worked to find many. Can be as easy as checking reports of leading figures in the art world at any period when that is recorded, not just noticing ones still considered great.

I do not think actual artists care, but maybe is a romantic notion. In love with art for art's sake? Pursuit of it being the love affair of a lifetime not dependent on opinion of others?

Driven in some way in looking through history books can marvel at people who put in maximum effort for at times almost no return in their lifetimes, and created some of the greatest masterpieces.

Or can again consider Leonardo da Vinci who carried around the Mona Lisa for years, fiddling with it. So was not a commissioned work. Saw a documentary which suggested was actually a copy of a commissioned work. Seems there is consensus he had done a painting of Lisa Gherardini.

And seems credible, he delivered. But something about the painting had him do another, possibly on some old canvas which he repurposed as evidence indicates there was another painting started beneath the current Mona Lisa. And with that lack of pressure Leonardo da Vinci could simply create art.

What grabbed him from the original? Who knows. My guess? Was her smile.

People can tell you all kinds of things. And I can muse as I wish, and pondering art as something that intrigues me. And do appreciate artists and personally do not question a person's right to take that title, because how do I know?

Actual art will shine through for the rest of the lifetime of our species, with a timeless quality that is telling. Takes time to know.

Oh yeah, so to me, sure you can work very hard at things with every ounce of your skill for a long period of time, and get NOTHING from your fellow humans in return for all that effort, and so?

Maybe you have art.

James Harris

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