
Sunday, February 11, 2018

Human equality reality

Predictive certainty to me is a better way to look at science and has relevance to most folks with electricity who use it when flipping a light switch. And usually the light comes on, predictably, and if it does not, you have mitigations. Like maybe the light source needs replacing. There may be a wiring problem and an electrician, who is an electrical expert, can fix. Or maybe the power is out, and you have to wait for the power company people to fix that.

And all of that explains science. At the edges of science we lose predictive ability, and scientists work to expand zones of predictive certainty.

So yeah, you do science every time you flip a light switch. Scientists find more science.

And the science of genetics has revealed very powerful things about us humans.

Like we're more closely genetically related out of Africa, as science figured out our species emerged from Africa with a relatively small number of individuals.

And genetics and other science like neuroscience has revealed that our species values its intelligence, with our bodies exerting a tremendous amount of effort to have as much as possible. And reality is human beings tend to be smarter than may realize as we endlessly compete and compare with each other.

And there is no differentiation along special lines in intellectual ability from what is healthy in humans. Some humans do tend to be smarter by various measures, though is questionable how best to measure intelligence. But unfortunately genetic abnormalities or environmental deficiency or hostility can impact negatively.

Yet around the globe can look at human beings apparently split with regard to success in ways that seem to indicate things different about human ability than science reveals. So there is some other force at work as then cannot be just about ability.

Has been known that certain cultures deliberately split various groups out any number of ways, but like in my country the United States that is supposedly all over. My country is supposed to be a land where merit rules. And yet we have some of the worst disparities, along specious lines.

My analysis is that a very loose system which turns into powerful suppression is about group behavior where seemingly minor opinions within a group turn into very hostile attitudes at a macro level. Fix is, when you sense your group is talking in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, ask questions. And that's it.

It is very simple in lots of ways. And weirdly enough means you can poll people who speak as individuals, and everything seems ok. But with their friends? Different story.

And that's it.

Of course it can be important to accept the scientific evidence of human equality. To me is one of the best things to come out of science.

James Harris

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