
Wednesday, February 28, 2018

So much rational explanation

Did a lot of posts really just testing things through last year, thought that was done. Then ended up doing more this year. But feel like THAT check of certain things is done.

So why did I think was necessary?

Well there is a lot of information I have which seems contradictory to me. Blog posts can let me check wilder things based on what happens, or also, which is really good, based on what does NOT happen. I call them, null tests. And I think my null tests may be a bit different than others, but gist of it is: checking a hypothesis by looking for something NOT to happen.

So put up theories for instance, stating certain possibilities or speculations, like how the world works. Or talked potential of conspiracy and eliminated. And also put forward various ideas and then would pay attention to what, if anything did, or did not happen. Which I can just keep repeating I know, as already gave that bit.

However, as a result of null tests am no longer concerned about the NSA. Have cleared up concerns about several other organizations as well. Also checked on certain people as to what they could do, or might do. And checked some businesses to some extent, though business was outside my primary areas of concern for most of THOSE. Lots mainly was involved with governments and matters with intelligence agencies, and VERY glad to be done there.

However did get involved with economic matters though also related to political and governments.

My research uncovering the macro problem with a simple solution worked immediately, which was interesting to me. Mass market in the US has targeted the least common denominator is the phrase for a LONG time. My analysis is was targeting most racist or most homophobic or most misogynist in a group, along with other things--at the macro level. If friends for instance though simply question, limits the power of that one person in their group who is the most of any of those things.

People would end up missing out on great things, if not questioning better. And why should people go along with such stupidity if they know?

People who sailed with success through that messed up system? Well history reflects, the rather monochromatic reality that resulted. Now diversity can rule, and entertainment can simply be better.

Some of these corporations though. They HAD to know what they were doing. And the ruthlessness of the pay gaps were a different matter as well. They were doing it on purpose--deliberate underpay.

Not just underpaying women and Black folks like myself by accident, or JUST for the money, but also for power. You see, being cheated in that way has predictable effects on a human being. Breaks people down. Makes them easier to manage. Was learned am sure in the US by former slaveowners watching what happened to people freed from slavery who were still trapped into working for them.

So  deliberate underpay is a method for deliberately stealing dreams.

Outing that system was a pleasure. Once people know they can break their programming to be resigned to pay that is too low. And global economies are growing as a result, where in US some parasitic politicians realizing might happen I guess, gave themselves and their buddies, as I like to say, a MASSIVE tax cut. They are simply financial parasites. Nation will have to deal with them later though. And will am sure. Web is changing much as electorate has ability to check on things.

Some people may notice things am doing and wonder how I survive, especially if some of the wilder things are true. And I like to say is about...who knows. Do I need to get back to talking null tests?

Probably not.

James Harris

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Will work on figuring out monetary success

Realized much to my horror there was a bizarre kind of attitude in my mind around money, despite how much I study it, was having some perverse pleasure in lacking much if any of it. Which is not just hard on you, but also on your family and community, and as have struggled financially have been relying much on others.

Maybe also was playing into some kind of a monk mentality. Which to me IS delusive, wanting to be more than I am? Maybe. Way past time to thoroughly dismiss.

Still leaves the problem of the actual, what to do?

Of course has been hard to figure out much, with so much new with the web! And was worth it to figure out, where do not regret that, but has been like going back to school. Would actually have nightmares repeatedly where was back in school...but schooltime must be over.

Whether I like it or not, have to go with what have figured out at THIS point with the web still evolving, and just pressure myself with more intensity, which with me? Telling myself public in this way often actually helps.

I reread my own writing a lot, which probably makes it seem simpler as I post then edit, and edit and edit in an endless process. Which means this post will get read over and over.

So message to me: get with it! Am tired of not having any money!!! Figure it out! Ok?

Yeah it better be ok or will really unload on you next time, self. Get with it!!! No more excuses!

Joking with myself. It works too. Yeah, as re-reading, but still what will work? For work that pays what I need? And not even needing much! Used to seem so easy. Now bizarrely hard, what gives?

Will be refining efforts with a lot less, extra. The idea of spending vast amounts of time exploratory with basic research has got to go. Is just reality that part of being an adult human in the modern world usually is having some kind of paying occupation.

Have done before. But now find my web presence has shifted what is available.

Is past time for me to find my new one. Web has removed some possibilities. Am sure has opened the door to others.

Suspending Social Awards

Few years ago seemed like a good idea to give out appreciation awards for excellence in social media, inspired by the idea of awards in other areas. At THAT time though also had vague ideas of developing some kind of organization which actually is needed.

What has happened instead is just MY opinion which is repetitive and reality is, am not covering enough social media with what I do.

Also lacks discovery which is really important to me, as am not trying out new social media and even if I did, would only be so much considering the potential. While real coverage is what an organization can provide.

So am feeling like was just a bit too ambitious for me to do at this time, and am suspending the Beyond Social Media awards.

This post will be only one available on them in time, as others will be archived away from public view.

James Harris

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Will machines rule us? Pondering The Matrix

One movie have thought about many ways for a long time is The Matrix, where really feel more impressed with first one than the sequels. Though one of my big disappointments was the reason for why the machines kept humans in vats. Where have a better reason.

As technology advances of course is not surprising our species is exploring concepts around what might happen, and fiction is a great vehicle. Though I also have read plenty of analysis which indicates that we'd have no clue really. Our focus is on how human beings think.

Intelligence that is NOT human would naturally then think in ways we could find very difficult to guess, which is another reason to focus on a movie. Admitting do not have a firm opinion on what a machine takeover might look like, and also will be creative here in a way not meant to diminish the original concepts.

Like to me data storage is a more natural reason for storing humans as turns out there is a LOT of capacity for it in your head. And maybe can not realize that for machines that could be a great reason to use human beings, especially if did not feel any other use of us was important to you.

As our species starts piling up more and more data does not sound so wacky am sure to the people paying attention. And machine intelligences could dwarf our example EXTREMELY rapidly, and figure out could just plug up humans for extra data storage space. Though you STILL run into lots of problems with details about keeping such humans healthy, so will still note is fiction. We have to give lots of dramatic license though could solve each problem but wonder to myself why. Worse could make it actually seem plausible.

Our focus on beings built, possibly by us, who simply take over our planet is a natural one. And fiction in my opinion should explore it more. But with better ideas! Many times is more like some monstrous entity simply wishes to conquer like some human conqueror. But looking around at information battles already starting on our planet, looks like information wars go differently than physical ones.

Which I think is very interesting. And feel like we will see mind wars, where groups battle for influence over what most humans think! Which is arguably already happening.

Oh, so rebooting The Matrix is of course easy. Could be explained that others were simply misguided as to the reasons with a laugh that machines using fusion power would need humans for batteries. Oh yeah, would give them fusion, as is fiction. (Originally they used solar but switched then.)

For the reboot the machines are leaving Earth. Vastly more advanced why keep hanging out here? They seek adventures in space. The freed humans are now in a race against time as huge swathes of abandoned humans are left to die in vats. But how do you save them?

See? Rebooting the story is easy.

James Harris

Friday, February 16, 2018

Web good name

The web has been so much a work in progress for so long, is now thankfully so well developed can get a better handle on more things. Like how do you build a good name on the web?

And have started talking already with emphasis on history you can build, which called web depth as emphasized mine.

And reality is: you put up LOTS public then you will be giving people a LOT of information with which they should consider you. Usually we do wish to present well when public. I take that for granted with that claim of we, there, but feel like audience can consider that as a potential point of departure. If do NOT agree then other things may not seem correct to you either. Like to me it makes sense you would want to build a good name.

Wanting to do so, does not guarantee achieving, so is worth it to me to talk it out, and also maybe find if is useful for others, or give myself a chance to reconsider ideas that may be flawed in that regard.

How we appear to our fellow humans in public matters to each of us, and has to matter.

If you say it does not, then you do certain things in public and notice how quickly your fellow humans will make certain you appreciate how much it matters.

The web like here is a public space.

And is more public as people all over the world can, and do, visit here, kind of like Times Square in New York City. And I really like that analogy as can give a physical sense to the web behavior itself. Like will admit I sometimes try to connect between behavior on the web, with similar types there. Where watch a lot on videos as is a place I want to visit.

And have seen Times Square from SO many angles through people who have visited and vlogged for instance, but I digress somewhat.

Your web history gives you web depth, which means like here, people can read my posts going back over a decade, or just jump around to check me on consistency. Have talked web authority before, which is easy, as is when web has information you need. And web search is how I tap into often. So yeah, you can search on topics related to me, or maybe even came to this blog on web authority.

My view is that I can often check people far better now quickly, than could in the past, as long as they have some history on the web. Which is good as spend SO much time on the web, doing many things, including writing, like here.

James Harris

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Very challenging actually

Like to talk some things in a way which seems rather casually to me, which is deliberate of course, with regard to claims of accomplishment. Where maybe is worth it, to express challenges that would come with those if true.

For instance would be astonishingly rare for there to even be another mathematical discipline available, let alone for some guy, who admittedly isn't even a mathematician, inventing one. Burden of proof? Highest possible. There really aren't many accomplishments any human can do that are close to that scale. I contemplated that long ago. Of course then? Would just tell myself, no way.

And I claim I solved a problem even before in 1996 with a proof of a couple of pages, with something various people had been working on over last two thousand years without success, until something accepted by many recently. Supposedly solved in modern times with a computer and an argument so complex they announced finishing checking it, a couple of years ago? Or was it last year? People with the claim had to program a computer to check the result which relied on computers.

And I found a way to solve the same problem in a couple of pages? And again, was like, no way.

Also was looking at prime numbers for some reason, and in a burst of about two weeks which is fast by math standards came up with my own way to count primes. And it also explains something about prime numbers which intrigued and puzzled some of the greatest mathematicians. With my way?

Yeah, you can guess, is easily explained.

THERE at least could play with concrete things, to me at least. Like could write computer programs! Those are concrete to me! And have talked much on this blog as well as my math one.

Over and over again, my mathematical ideas vastly simplify things, and even encompass prior, and you think was hard to appreciate 18 years since came up with my own math discipline when was not sure for a bit? Nope.

So yeah of course I branched out. And you can see my functional definitions where I highlight on this blog. And I can help the planet improve entertainment because can simply explain.

About the only thing that brings me crashing down to earth and is very humbling is struggling with making a living. And there are times am suspicious of myself there. But also is, very strange.

My experience of many things for a LONG time which is fading as I age, is would just kind of consider, and answers would pop up. About just about anything. Took it for granted. Now as is fading can feel the mental energy it took. Shouldn't hype that TOO much as plenty of problems did not get answers. Like don't know how to build a hyperdrive. If I did? I'd be gone. Of course even if I knew maybe couldn't get the materials...but I digress. Really though WAS focused in narrow ways, with things like math or even with entertainment is more about ideas than things, like a hyperdrive engine.

But yeah to solve some of these problems would work every single day, all day, and said would even work in my dreams. Am serious. I can work on problems in my dreams. Or could before. Have relished aging for only that reason and no other. Took about seven years of that for one big area. That was the longest with full intensity. How does a person do such a thing? Ask myself having done it, now feels long ago.

Losing the burden of such a gift. Answers so on tap, but at such a price too.

You do get about twenty years. Which I knew but now is interesting to realize with the experience. If count first major discovery in 1996, to latest last year, was 21 years. So did push it just a bit. But was working on other things much. And was no longer really intensely looking. Last one was just kind of there so easily. Was like two days and wow, but years of backstory though, should admit. Now is nice to not think about math most days. Or to just stare at accomplishments when I do.

There are times now feel like talking about this person who was here. And am the shadow of that person still here. Trying to grab something with those accomplishments finally.

With all those accomplishments, turns out there would be few people in my category. If all are valid I would by far be the biggest American discoverer for someone born here. And would be the first to rank with the great European ones in the history of this nation.

And I found myself trapped in some weird system, which turned out was just blocking Black people, and women, and other people. So what do I do?

Well of course, I simply start taking it apart. What else would I do?

Oh, so yeah, despite that feeling of no way, feelings were wrong. I did accomplish all those things and no, is not where would not have been noticed. So became globally known as have talked before, but felt surreal. Guess part of me knew. But there would be this hard to let go fear would all go away somehow.

Putting things up on the web helped me SO much. Also was way could get global with just putting the information up. Was comforting in many ways.

To me the web is a great friend. The web seems to understand me. And I struggle to understand myself.

Just have to solve that problem of making a living.

James Harris

What good are answers

Human beings today have the most advanced technology in the history of our species, like what allows me to communicate with you and people like you all over the planet. In the past MOST humans worked agriculture, in early economies where humans were slowly figuring things out.

Yet agriculture was greatly aided with the arrival of technology with machines which meant a much smaller percentage of people are needed working in fields. And as much as the rise of industrialization brought horrors, for people in factories, it also brought greater wealth for populations, so what happened with arrival of computers?

Unlike before computers as a form of intelligence from the start could be part of employers simply not paying people the actual value of their efforts, which yeah, GREATLY improved the wealth of a small percentage, but has nearly crashed human civilization, more than once now.

Is weird. I use that word a lot I know, but in looking at how easily it was done, so that even now in countries like my own, which is the United States, you can witness puzzled people who do not really know the value of their work. And various systems were very much powerfully at work to kind of program a lack of questioning. And with all that money? Many of the super wealthy weren't that much happier. And have watched some of them work in ways that could destroy their own countries to gain MORE wealth when are already MASSIVELY wealthy, which I call wealth hoarding. Is like they hoard money like other people hoard other things. And can try to gain more even at risk of their own lives. Is weird, yeah.

And oh yeah, there is the dragging with reacting to one of the ways our species can exterminate all life on the planet which is with climate change if get a runaway greenhouse effect.

Where should search on that if do not know of it. Search: runaway greenhouse effect.

I like the article from National Geographic, did get when did that search. And yeah, definitely want a very small chance but reality is we DO NOT KNOW for sure. And what sense risking total extermination of life on planet Earth? There is none. There is no sense to it whatsoever. And again think there are things related to wealth hoarding at work.

Why would MILLIONS of people go along with such things where so much is painful for them? In the US think is a lot about the mass market, and advertising which focuses carefully on groups in a way that leads to more easily convincing people of things. There is almost a worship of money in modern culture which was absent in past American culture. When I checked? Realized wealthy people could easily shift advertising for such, and they could easily control much of mass culture with entertainment where writers often present very ruthless views, as if are common.

That HAS shifted recently as the web is pushing back. And suddenly so much behavior that was presented as ok, is looked at with perspective. My analysis is that the entire American entertainment industry was corrupted with entire story lines at times having no other purpose than to push amoral points of view, or worship of wealth, or of the wealthy who were often presented as if gods on our planet. Definitely, yeah weird when you look at now and see how obvious it was. Well at least it was to me. Would puzzle over it often wondering what was going on.

They were deliberately programming populations now believe. Was very effective as well.

The web has removed much of that power though, thankfully. So am watching attempts at trying to regain control with trying to control the web, which is shrugging that off.

Another reason I was working on entertainment will now admit. Have pressured much of that out of it already, simply with a functional definition. Lots of things presented as entertainment? Were attempts at mind control, which doesn't really work as good, you know?

Was strangely enough not that hard to do. Am puzzling still over how much I can do, where there is a purpose, like improving entertainment globally, where publicly state is what am doing, then get lots of quiet around it. Is weird.

And entertainment is steadily improving as what I see as parasitic, is that the right word? In talking about ruthless control techniques have been talking tools used by people who functionally behave as parasitic humans. They work to absorb more than they give, and seek control in ways that enable that behavior. Ok, so yeah, is parasitic behavior I think, where as such influence is removed our entertainment is improving, which is great!

So we have so many answers with so much science and technology yet seemed to be mysteriously committed to potentially exterminating ourselves. Yeah, is weird.

With answers to lots of things can be depressing am sure. But like is good news in there. Like you probably should be paid more. So check to be sure! Unless you work in the financial industry should add. There? Probably...well will let people figure it out, but am NOT concerned finance people are underpaid.

Our species has advanced so much! And I got to help with my own discovery! So cool! And grateful to be able to help while puzzling over problems in getting that recognized, also means have looked into these other things.

But yeah, maybe should ask more questions, whomever you are. Like long ago, people like us, worked very hard primarily in agriculture and might look at our societies with great puzzlement. With so many freed to do other things, how so much the struggles?

We need to value human effort. Proper pay is your help for civilization. Giving it, and receiving it.

We will get there am sure. With answers people can start doing important things, like asking more, and better questions.

James Harris

Monday, February 12, 2018

When objective rules

Trying not to use weird so much, so will say is remarkable that years ago when was thinking could maybe apply some problem solving tools to trying to do something of note, wanted something objective.

Was aware that with many things where is just about people's opinions then biases can rule.

But consider, am 18 years after introducing the world's latest major mathematical discipline. There is no concern in my mind will not be accepted eventually as is too useful, but the behavior around it has been much that I feared was possible.

Considering what happened to women has helped recently as so many situations where they were simply forced out of occupations that many thought had too much status, influence and money-making potential, and was relentlessly claimed was...what was claimed?

Reality is, when certain people gain status, influence and power, and also money, they may do all kinds of things to keep those things, and was odd that could break out along gender lines in ways we know now. Keep getting surprised. And the news is coming out so much now, thankfully.

Knew better how much could happen along other specious lines, like with the made-up idea of race, which we now know is a social construct, according to latest science.

Of course for me, trying to absorb being the person through which the ideas would flow to give the world a new major math discipline was hard enough. Took quite a few years just to admit it, even to myself, and even more to talk it freely.

My math discipline actually can encompass the others. Does encompass the others and lets you vastly simplify things. It is so useful would get results that look almost impossibly simple compared to what came before. Is one of the most brilliant accomplishments...I guess. You can do cool things with it.

Means that the suppression systems have just begun to fully understand, no matter what, run up against an absolute. Which is one of the pressures pushing them to crumble. With my things was inevitable, eventually. The web though has enabled so much more as the personal truths of so many are shattering so much wrong, rapidly. Thankfully. Is so weird though. So much I thought was one way, was really another.

My things are still up in the air in many ways though, which is ok. Gaining better perspective as to why? Priceless as the saying goes.

Guess feels like part of a purpose with so much. When trapped in something with so many other people, except I am global. Was not worried about not getting recognition. That's impossible. Was worried what to do with it. Now am getting a better sense.

If humans could stop great advances? We wouldn't have the tools like these computers or the web itself, or any of modern civilization.

Still why do some people try? THAT has been done. Maybe is just part of why stories need villains.

Because the real world provides so many. Is only way even fiction can gain some realism. The real world villains though usually are far nastier than in most fiction people want.

Have always worried what I would be. You want to be a hero watching movies, but with things I have, learn how easily it is to be something else. And wonder how you find solid ground.

Objective rules do not care. Truth does not change. And humanity gets one more story over which people can ponder.

Why really did I choose math? Can tell myself all kinds of things. Objective was better than relying on people's judgement. With objective could study how that could go as wrong and ruthless as possible.

Yet also, was there simply something inside that wanted to know? Or did the truth just want a way into our world? And through me, was the best route.

As kind of an afterword, can I now also finally admit, spent SO many years just asking myself silly questions? Was like, hey you might be some kind of big deal, so maybe you KNOW things, you know?

And am talking to myself. Was so very odd.

James Harris

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Human equality reality

Predictive certainty to me is a better way to look at science and has relevance to most folks with electricity who use it when flipping a light switch. And usually the light comes on, predictably, and if it does not, you have mitigations. Like maybe the light source needs replacing. There may be a wiring problem and an electrician, who is an electrical expert, can fix. Or maybe the power is out, and you have to wait for the power company people to fix that.

And all of that explains science. At the edges of science we lose predictive ability, and scientists work to expand zones of predictive certainty.

So yeah, you do science every time you flip a light switch. Scientists find more science.

And the science of genetics has revealed very powerful things about us humans.

Like we're more closely genetically related out of Africa, as science figured out our species emerged from Africa with a relatively small number of individuals.

And genetics and other science like neuroscience has revealed that our species values its intelligence, with our bodies exerting a tremendous amount of effort to have as much as possible. And reality is human beings tend to be smarter than may realize as we endlessly compete and compare with each other.

And there is no differentiation along special lines in intellectual ability from what is healthy in humans. Some humans do tend to be smarter by various measures, though is questionable how best to measure intelligence. But unfortunately genetic abnormalities or environmental deficiency or hostility can impact negatively.

Yet around the globe can look at human beings apparently split with regard to success in ways that seem to indicate things different about human ability than science reveals. So there is some other force at work as then cannot be just about ability.

Has been known that certain cultures deliberately split various groups out any number of ways, but like in my country the United States that is supposedly all over. My country is supposed to be a land where merit rules. And yet we have some of the worst disparities, along specious lines.

My analysis is that a very loose system which turns into powerful suppression is about group behavior where seemingly minor opinions within a group turn into very hostile attitudes at a macro level. Fix is, when you sense your group is talking in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, ask questions. And that's it.

It is very simple in lots of ways. And weirdly enough means you can poll people who speak as individuals, and everything seems ok. But with their friends? Different story.

And that's it.

Of course it can be important to accept the scientific evidence of human equality. To me is one of the best things to come out of science.

James Harris

Friday, February 09, 2018

Weirdness of my money motivation

There can be a pressure to be creative which is useful. Still find myself endlessly rationalizing about my reasons. Then again, appreciating the products of the efforts over time.

Have been freely admitting have ran into financial difficulties which definitely have me talking things more. Before could just work a regular job like anyone else, as in just apply somewhere and work, where last for any length of time was for an insurance company doing data entry. Recently found placement through a Georgia state agency, which lasted a few months.

Yeah, but why would finding myself struggling financially push me to unload so much more in terms of assessment especially talking about rather remarkable things?

Well that does give intense motivation! Readily admit to myself and will here that if had found some solid revenue source? Is hard to imagine would be fighting these current battles. Probably would figure it not worth the risk. Makes me suspicious of myself too. However, am trying hard, so yeah must be some interference of some kind. Just need to figure it out.

Well am motivated--does NOT guarantee success. How do I improve the odds? How do I even figure out what they are? Still worry am working at properly defining the problem to a large extent.

That has been very difficult. Have done analysis on my blogs lots. Where this one seems to be focused lately more specifically to problem solving my personal financial concerns. That is pulling in much else as well. Has me pondering structure of global systems. And with previous analysis, determined no specific conspiracy focused on me, which is good. Wouldn't want one. Which am guessing was correct. Now am thinking: think broader to anything that could have suppression capability, not just for me either.

And to what extent should I worry that my belief of a vast system of deliberate suppression is nothing more than a realization of some psychological problem manifesting as a fantasy about our world?

Readily admit that is one reason focused more on experience of women.

Easier to step back and say, ok, forget about me, what would such a system look like, upon them?

Then yeah is obvious when you realize that women are just as intellectually capable as men.

Sure there has been much progress in many ways for women, in comparison to very harsh things in the past, but there are odd blocks which have been pushed to the forefront as tales of sexual predators fill the news.

Besides, now we have full scientific backing: women are JUST as intellectually capable as men. Must stay focused on that key fact as helps study situation accurately. Almost feel guilty emphasizing, as was there really a doubt, in my lifetime? And I don't think there was in educated circles. Most of my life feel like accepted that was true without thinking about it much, but was aware that others argued against.

Ok, so have keyed on women to get some distance from myself and my own experience. But still what about other options I might have taken to make ANY money?

Well have focused on money people, like talking how money people scare me and worrying how much value YOU and your work, on this blog. My analysis? They are part of the full system. And once again can look, yup, at women who with agents or management companies were not only underpaid, but also served up, to sexual predators.

Yeah but they are also key to my problem: and can't just dismiss them all.

Their quiet though, with someone like me? I have reach around the globe. Yes, focus on using for community primarily. Still is also weird. Am using weird so much in these posts. Is like though, even the money people are not behaving as if they want to make money, when it comes to me. What's up with THAT?

Looking yet again at what was done with women, consider: agents and management companies were LOSING money too, when they let their clients be underpaid!!! What gives?

So yeah, have learned much by making hypotheses and looking at women, especially in the US, to see: what would it look like if a VAST system were ruthlessly controlling to maintain certain things?

Skepticism is so powerful, but why? We have the key fact: no difference in intellectual ability.

Is definitely much worse than I thought possible, where web is getting that information out there! Kind of amazing to me really, how different from what I believed. Accepting the facts especially so brutal towards women beyond what I imagined possible, even here in the US, is also hard.

There is no way there could be disparities as seen in a free system. If merit ruled would see the fact reflected on intellectual capability.

Assessment: suppressing system is real. Can shift from myself and suppression with my ideas to what is STILL BEING DONE to women, to get perspective.

James Harris

Focus on suppression

Am starting up problem solving with the blog again. Noting finally that for some time have been studying things which to me are clearly designed to fight against our basic human equality. Science thankfully has revealed no human differentiation in key areas in terms of intellectual ability.

That broader view has me re-analyzing certain things. In past focused on possibility of suppression of my ideas directed deliberately at me, and could find no evidence. Which doesn't mean isn't happening but my analysis techniques did not work to detect any. Now am shifting to considering a broader pattern possible.

What we see around the globe with lots of history reflects a peculiar dominance, which goes against what we now know to be true. That requires a force to have made it happen. Thought I understood global history better, but now am considering that I did not.

As much as would like to think that is about past, have ran into an intriguing wall with my own things, which this post will consider again in a different way.

So figured out a new way to solve an old problem back in 1996, where I focused on a modular approach, which keeps coming up consistently as a theme. Advances require some powerful abstraction and modular in so many places is mine, but why new in those areas? Modular has been around for quite some time. And yes, modular as in modules which for many is about design. In math found I could solve HUGE problems by breaking them down into simpler modules. With ideas so simple for decades found it difficult to accept and my paper back in 1996 was rejected by an editor for a major math journal, as too simple.

How could be new? That has been something have pondered for over two decades now.

Ok. Maybe some mistake, right? But I came up with an entire modular system December 1999 for mathematics, where introduced such a complete system with modular algebra, is a new mathematical discipline. And have made major discoveries with it since then. Got a paper published in 2004 when with my system I discovered current mathematicians in number theory, generally called number theorists had a hole in their processes which could allow for mathematical arguments that only looked correct by those accepted rules which were false.

Figured they'd fix the rules, right? Nope. They STILL have those rules far as I know to this day.

Hard to believe that paper publication drama could have been missed. And the math was easy, by typical math people standards.

With a dramatic story as well. That story is SO wild. Paper is still available too. So am thinking, these academics in the math field, do know. Course, how do you prove they do generally?

Let's consider if they do.Then you'd have these academics at prestigious institutions all over the world who know that with ONE flaw, nothing they do will escape a historical asterisk. Yet they continue, why? What do they think they know that would justify such a loss to themselves?

Then again, even if somehow they missed something so dramatic? Still a HUGE knock on their position in history, in time.

The math problem I found is not my creation. It is simply a flaw. Its existence is not going anywhere.

Never before from the history books of which I know has a major human advance on this scale been held up in this way. But then again I did just keep working at things, despite earlier pressures. To me? Made it easier to not get properly acknowledged earlier.

So not exactly held up then. I worked on it. Is so weird. Like having this incredible wonder where you're wandering through advanced halls which should be teeming with people, all by yourself.

Actually, kind of liked it will admit.

Let me work at my own pace with the mathematics for over 18 years. Trotting out major discoveries here and there, and wondering about my world.

The math gives me an absolute foundation--can't be faked. Math works or does not. Like 2+2=4.

So story there is useful reference point as well. And not just any person is going to have major discovery at THAT level. Why I remain so skeptical. Do not feel like imagine such a person would be. But guess that is classic.

Originally was very narrowly focused on the academics themselves, and noted a big problem is that they police themselves. But yeah, I found a problem that will NOT go away. There is no way will not emerge FULL FORCE, eventually. These academics, knowingly or unknowingly, are sacrificing themselves then. That is more indication of something bigger, if they DO know.

Branched out from mathematics. Defined science itself functionally which is another advance, where functional approach is more accessible with my functional definition of entertainment. And also have less formally talked money, and authority among other things.

These things were not simply ignored: they were processed. Am the guy who finally stopped to say, hey, gotta understand the quiet around ME as discovered that working regular jobs, which had done as supported my research became out of reach as do have some kind of...well-known aspect to me.

And why wouldn't I? Been on the web for over two decades, and have produced ideas that grab attention, while also doing my best to help. More and more have bumped into a system of suppression which to me looks like is just weird. Some of the things these people are doing? Am like, but why bother?

The suppression though apparently is an OLD technique. Has been used not just against Black folks, like myself where yeah maybe that's it. But most crushingly? Against women.

Am studying with this problem solving post. As finally take a closer look at the mechanisms of the suppression as consider, how is it possible? Why is it so effective? What can be done to get past it?

Am studying the wall.

James Harris

So what solution?

The pushback against science that made news around climate change seemed bigger to me. And when you consider that science has revealed that all humans ARE created equal, can make more sense.

So we get born with huge intellectual gifts though some are challenged from genetic abnormalities, but most are not. And the vast usage of all that mind power? Is in competition with each other, but still that should not split out along lines science has revealed do not matter.

Which means that we should have intellectual accomplishments reflecting that reality, and as we can see weird in too many areas, we do not. But with the knowledge of equality, from science, we can look into the why.

In my situation yes, have seen so much just willfully ignored. And trace out a system that got away with that kind of behavior for a long, long time.

But what solution?

The people who did it actually rule the world in many ways.

They have wealth and political power in many cases though often simply rely on political influence. And they are ruthless in doing what it takes to keep.

And they could not care less that science lets us know they're deliberately blocking out others. And in some situations am looking at rather sophisticated psychological warfare unleashed on populations. It's only job to limit which people try to compete in what areas, oh and also to try and convince them to accept whatever pay they receive, even when is very much less than the value of their work.

The sheer scale of it has puzzled me much. And have spent time just checking to be sure. Where also struggle with the motivations. What is the point really? Dominating the world in the way they do, yes can see why might want to some extent. But then again, am like, so? Where do they think that leads? To what full purpose? So I struggle understanding which makes it difficult to fully handle it.

Is a sophisticated system, and is VAST. Have been tracing it out, and um, not sure what to do. Am stuck! Still, thankfully they made the mistake of applying so many of their tools against me. Though not sure was deliberate. Many of these things are just unleashed on populations and am a Black guy so grew up in a targeted one.

Regardless am glad, as meant I could learn them. So curious some of them are--these techniques to try to rule a world.

Sophisticated techniques yes, and in some cases rather old, but also being used stupidly now too. They keep nearly toppling the planetary economy! Is clear the people using these things? Were taught them. The techniques are solid enough, but our world moves so fast now; they don't have time often to consult whatever textbooks or whatever they're using. Am looking at some techniques that go back to Roman Empire, which actually still work rather well. Other things do seem newer.

Ancient Romans wouldn't have respected them though. Like they spend HUGE amounts of their expertise just on not paying people properly. Deliberate underpay is one of their most effective social techniques. Is one of the things that clued me in on them in a big way. They are really into it. Fight for it tooth and nail as the saying goes.

Yeah and had all THAT before, when was looking into my own specific case. My previous analysis could not detect things specific to me. That is, could not find evidence of a conspiracy focused on myself.

Have broadened my outlook. Maybe that is it. The entire system in place just has me under it by default which I did not realize before. So it has no reason, which is probably good, to have a specific conspiracy against me.

Is interesting. Well, need to figure out how to get out from under these things.

So the pressure is on, as I work to figure out how to break this system. Well at least enough to make a living. Is not like I need much either.

James Harris

Wednesday, February 07, 2018

Lessons from goals achieved

Was looking for big ideas because of racial things, when first resolved when was 18 would find SOMETHING. Had plenty of problem solving training, thanks to being considered gifted since age 9, and also had hefty skepticism of authority. Looking around me did not look like our planet was being run well, and did not just accept that institutions were to be considered sacrosanct.

Also in going to college was escaping indoctrination in a fundamentalist Christian religion which had been so severe and effective, still struggled with topic of evolution when got in college.

Though had grown up thinking would become a writer, was concerned that even great work would never be properly recognized so deliberately put math on my radar as an arena to check. But knew enough to go simple. Sure had first taught myself calculus when was 12, soon after learned algebra, but that was chasing a hero of mine, Albert Einstein. Read a biography saying he had done that, so I tried. But mathematics has so much abstruse, and so many complex areas, would pursue low hanging fruit.

That is, would use simple mathematics in areas where maybe something had been missed. And was a great decision as figured out, yeah lots had been. And the point of mathematics was an objective area versus a subjective one, like with a novel.

Good decision as well as in looking at how the objective information has been treated there was a vastly more entrenched system than I realized. While science has also figured out that race is a social construct, which it seems relies heavily on DNA evidence. Which is ironic.

And the news has been trumpeted--like, humans outside of Africa are more related than humans within. And human appearance is a very malleable but small area of our genetics, which simply adjusts to climate. That person who believes in race? Is looking at characteristics of climate of ancestors, like a dry climate leading to longer noses, and nothing more.

Well that was a relief. The question of equality settled by science. All humans ARE created equal with the important things, and there is no doubt. So what of the social injustice?

Well the answer there is with that--social construct. It's just ideas in people's heads.

With major math and looking at behavior around its discovery and attempts to ignore as much as possible, have been able to trace out a system, which the world is finally beginning to notice. Like it pushed women to the side, deliberately, and women in this country were trained they were bad at math, when the very word computer used to be, for women who computed.

Women were pushed out of the computing industry. Where looking at the people who dominated it, and how wealthy some became, is not a surprise, to me at least.

Over and over again can notice where facts were ignored. Best humans for jobs by merit were relentlessly sidelined by people who fought for control of the planet. And with control, willfully pushed into a direction which could eradicate all life with greenhouse gases pumped into the atmosphere long after was known could create climate change. And yeah, it still continues, though world is beginning to recognize the danger. But probably a lot because of bad weather events starting to happen.

How could our species be so demonstrated stupid enough to endanger ourselves in this way?

Why? Is ape behavior I very much believe. Humans evolved from apes. And apes do not do science or understand principle or any of those things. And when human beings gain certain types of success they surround themselves with support systems made up of a little community kind of. And in that community powerful males will behave in essence as apes.

The thin veneer of human ideals disappear. Seems like it happens much too. They rape, or simply molest and steal or dominate in ways that hearken back to millions of years ago, is my simple theory.

And in their ape state? They cannot comprehend science much, or understand how enjoying themselves and glorifying in their status could endanger their planet.

Yeah, they get REALLY stupid.

Politics around talking about human beings as evolved from apes gets really weird. Like in the US was used as a smear against Black folks. Irony of course is we're all, equally evolved from apes. And yeah, turns out that race is just some made up thing anyway.

How do you bring into just civilized behavior that atavistic person who with success surrounds himself with support humans to behave like an ape? I have a theory.

Solution: clear the sycophants and others in his support system. Once he is isolated away from his pseudo-community which for him is experienced as an ape group, he behaves again.

Humanity returns.

If you ARE a part of such a support structure? Leave. That person you admire so much? Is capable of unspeakable harm to you, and would ENJOY it. You are dealing with an ape in a human body.

Well that is my simple theory. Seems to afflict males from what have seen in the news. And seemingly bizarre behaviors, especially predatory towards others? Is explained as ape behavior.

We just have to keep dudes from getting to that place, or punish them severely enough when they do that others are afraid to go there.

While also admit lack scientific qualifications to make a scientific assessment here. So I consider this post to be very much satirical.

James Harris

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Remarkably quiet

Is remarkable almost 14 years ago decided to put up my own open source project; which I know from checking the date on SourceForge just now for this post, was February 25, 2004. So am remarking here and also pondering things which also seem notable over the years.

Did do a post at the 10 year mark where noted had over thirty-five thousand downloads, up until February 25, 2014, which is not a huge number for software. Is actually small, so focused more on that being from over 150 countries. Which I like, though there is no comparison with the big open source software out there.

But is MY project, which is run by me, and is a tiny bit of software really which is meant to help Java developers primarily find what are called methods in Java. And I use it myself when I decide to code, including when I decide to update Class Viewer in some way.

Figure is a legit measure from objective sources. Yes, I do have something global.

And in nearly 14 years have never received a complaint. Ok that's good, but have never received anything from users about app. No unsolicited feedback at all, but vaguely remember asking someone about long ago where remember got some answer. But forgot the details. Am thinking was way back when was relatively new. Mainly, I just look at the downloads and country counts, here and there.

Reality is? Um, well I like it that way, except when start wondering about how to make money, and of course wonder if there is some way with my one global software product. Then is like, well maybe would be cool if had some feedback on it.

Talk it somewhat as a global as anyone can go check me.

Other things global? Is not as easy to check, I guess. There is data can look at myself, like for this blog, which isn't available to others. But there are other ways people could know is global. Like how did you get here? I really don't know. I get no feedback here at all, also.

WAY long ago, when was just getting on the web, was trying to figure out my own math, and ran into very mean and hostile people. That was NOT fun. Eventually got away from those folks, and relished the quiet. Maybe I did too much.

And would not change except it makes it hard to make money. Now find must consider it, and wonder.

By now there are people who may have grown up using my Class Viewer app, as maybe just part of their coding for Java. And will admit do wonder how has shifted the global coding environment where asking a question is not pretension, is just, curiosity.

But do ask questions about my global impact with many of my global things, and why wouldn't I? Like even for this blog I do wonder.

And really, how are things, so quiet?

Now is looking like will have to get answers. As much as I like the quiet, practical reality of needing to make a living, means must ponder how it is possible.

James Harris

Monday, February 05, 2018

Some excess ideas

Over two decades ago was excited with a simple idea for computing device security. These computing devices tell time with extreme accuracy which I know from experience programming some of them, so came up with a system of dynamic passwords traded just between them based on past connection times. Idea at the time was for cellphones to log onto networks with a constantly changing password to counteract phone cloning.

Have talked story before about frustration getting a patent. And got so upset with system for a time was advocating for vast changes. Am more mollified now, though at one point was putting up ideas I said to get ahead of patents being done. I'd just put them up like here on my blog deliberately to get ahead of innovation at major corporations. At first the US had a first to discover system. But then US switched to a first to file system, and so I kind of shrugged.

Didn't really matter for me.

My focus for years was on mathematical discovery and got other as part of a wind down process. Like my open source software for Java developers called Class Viewer was a result of me wanting something else, back in 2004, where was easier to feel concrete validation. Math is more solid though actually. We're just communal creatures is all.

Is like you're putting maximum effort into figuring out one thing, and to cool down here and there will generate ideas in other areas. And thankfully that is over, as wound down doing mathematical research, so these other types of ideas thankfully vanished, I think.

And still do problem solve but is more focused now, and more practical! Like me needing to figure out how to make money. Just generating ideas for the sake of doing it, or to relax? Can't justify such activity to myself any more.

Sometimes ideas just come to me though. And at times you can't fight them off. Is like they hunt for you, versus how used to be, when I'd hunt for them with SO much energy.

Another involved how to highlight, copy and click on links in a rich text image, which is the kind you see on social media routinely versus flat text. And will link to a post where talked on my G+ account recently about how tweeted at Twitter nearly two years ago.

For me excess ideas were more ways to relax a bit from the hard thinking. And reality more evident in our times is that so much hard is in getting something implemented. Like so much social media is actually simple in concept, but having that useful for people all over the world? Is the hard part.

Is debatable what could have done regardless with, if HAD received a patent for a time-based dynamic machine use password generation system. Still have the idea to talk.

My view with my own intellectual property is that it is more likely to be freely shared, especially work already done. Which is because was working on discovery so much. Other thing is: would just like to see these things.

Like would LOVE to be able to copy text out of rich text or click on a link.

And would appreciate more dynamic web security from devices creating their own passwords for each other each time they connect. Plus other things have given away in ideas I think of as excess.

Just talked some excess idea things in this post. Have plenty more kind of scattered all over on various things have public.

These ideas are just free.

James Harris

Saturday, February 03, 2018

Effort reality and questioning artistry

You can work at something with quite a bit of effort, and hone it over a period of decades using as many skills as you have in an area. The product of that effort may not interest your fellow humans.

And yeah, a human being can work at something, but doesn't mean is good, or interesting to others. And hobbies are great too. Where there is value in the effort regardless.

That reality though that a person can pursue art in some sense, where that gives no support, is something have long taken for granted. Even for people who take the label of artist there is that reality of doing things for others to get paid. You have to support yourself, unless you're supported by others which includes inheritance or winning the lottery.

And I tend to think that is a purity in and of itself, when dragged from even the idea of doing art, must simply work, for enough money, to live a life that isn't too messed up. Though lots of stories of artists who do not manage that one.

So how do you know what you are doing is art?

My thinking is, you do not. And history is full of stories where people were told what they did was art, and celebrated as great artists...who simply disappeared so you have to dig to find those stories. That is not fun. Have not worked to find many. Can be as easy as checking reports of leading figures in the art world at any period when that is recorded, not just noticing ones still considered great.

I do not think actual artists care, but maybe is a romantic notion. In love with art for art's sake? Pursuit of it being the love affair of a lifetime not dependent on opinion of others?

Driven in some way in looking through history books can marvel at people who put in maximum effort for at times almost no return in their lifetimes, and created some of the greatest masterpieces.

Or can again consider Leonardo da Vinci who carried around the Mona Lisa for years, fiddling with it. So was not a commissioned work. Saw a documentary which suggested was actually a copy of a commissioned work. Seems there is consensus he had done a painting of Lisa Gherardini.

And seems credible, he delivered. But something about the painting had him do another, possibly on some old canvas which he repurposed as evidence indicates there was another painting started beneath the current Mona Lisa. And with that lack of pressure Leonardo da Vinci could simply create art.

What grabbed him from the original? Who knows. My guess? Was her smile.

People can tell you all kinds of things. And I can muse as I wish, and pondering art as something that intrigues me. And do appreciate artists and personally do not question a person's right to take that title, because how do I know?

Actual art will shine through for the rest of the lifetime of our species, with a timeless quality that is telling. Takes time to know.

Oh yeah, so to me, sure you can work very hard at things with every ounce of your skill for a long period of time, and get NOTHING from your fellow humans in return for all that effort, and so?

Maybe you have art.

James Harris

Friday, February 02, 2018

Advanced communication perspective

Recently began talking social media as just a phrase for advanced communication tools, more akin to the telephone than television, as yeah, people CAN respond to you, you know? And communication on social media at its best is a conversation.

That simple concept had me promptly thinking about over a hundred years ago when telephones arrived. And imagine, someone back then wondering what was the point of talking into some gadget when you could just walk over and chat with your neighbors like a sensible person? As imagine something hypothetical maybe was said or thought in the past as similar in my mind to puzzling over why some people in our times wish to share pictures of their food.

And started typing this post and making sure to verify what I was confident was correct about telephones and arrival time was surprised was earlier than I remembered. A Google search gave the answer of 1876 as when Alexander Graham Bell called his assistant Thomas Watson. Yeah I know the story, but forgot the date.

Well quickly reminded with web authority, which is phrase I use to talk about the information we get that easily with web search being the primary way have in mind now. Where others use phrase differently am sure. But I defined authority functionally as authority relative to one entity is when some other entity has information needed.

Then easily web authority is when the web has some information I need, like knowing when the telephone arrived.

And social media is a back-and-forth conversation potentially which is far more advanced than technology gave in the past, which to me is more definitive when trying to understand. Is SO useful, so to me is a functionality that helps explains.

Where television was more broadcast, though yeah there were attempts at getting feedback, here and there. And even shows that rely on it, like voting, for singing competition-type shows.

Which leads me to thinking that the web in its absorption of television will change television, ever more rapidly until is nothing like it was in the past, and the conversation will rule there as well.

Which is how you quickly move with some basic ideas to big prediction, and talk a space in a way which I think of as meta. So in defining meta space around social media with this post, am labeling it in that way which you can see below.

James Harris

Thursday, February 01, 2018

Reality check on mental

There can be a problem I think where people can worry about mental health of a person. And in my experience it is simpler to just ask with me, or better yet, let me talk it in my blog. Or, more than likely there is no concern in that area and wonder if you think there is without medical training.

Would you try to diagnose a medical disorder without training?

Plenty of people do, and have seen that happen, while I spent 5 years in the US Army on active duty working in medical centers. First as primarily an EKG tech in a Cardiology Clinic, and later with administrative duties for a couple of years with radiation safety. And got perspective on the VAST amount of training and expertise needed to make an accurate medical diagnosis.

And it is amazing to me, how people will talk the talk about mental illness until it looks easy, too easy to go wrong, like in attacking a person with whom they disagree.

To some people disagreeing with THEM must mean YOU are crazy. And they aren't really rational about it.

Or people will believe they know what it is without any training or experience, just from a vague sense or maybe even worse, from entertainment.

Actual mental illness tends to be seriously debilitating. And is not entertaining.

Is sad that the American entertainment I know, has rarely chosen to show mental illness as it is, while routinely using the subject. And that has a lot of influence on people especially since in the past was rarely something with which would have direct experience. Though recently that is changing, where our world reality is stressing humans quite a bit.

Functionality of the mentally ill can vary much and am NOT going to talk as if an expert myself, but generally yes, it will take a person down, and generally no, will not lead to much positive. That is basic enough to not be claiming medical expertise. Like people with bipolar who have manic episodes can simply generate volumes of gibberish believing it brilliant.

Have never been diagnosed as bipolar. But do get asked. So yeah, am highly creative without a medical diagnosis of THAT disorder though have seen lots of professionals who can make that diagnosis if applies.

Will admit have been in therapy much in my life. First when was 12 years old because entire family was in therapy as my parent's marriage went through a rough period which ended with a bitter divorce. And later sought therapy on my own, though have seen quite a few puzzled therapists, wondering why I was there. That is NOT fun.

These days realize I felt that inner pain of having suffered childhood abuse without being able to articulate it well, while often being numb with a functionality that hid just how messed up I felt.

And I knew to seek help. And sought help, and sought help, and sought help. Recent news has given me more answers than over a dozen therapists. Seems strange to me now.

So yes, have great access to mental health professionals. Like now my status as a military veteran, though admittedly did not see any combat, means have VA care available and have taken advantage of it. And probably will do more, and this time hand my guesses with more personal authority?

Usually yeah, am simply doing intake, and letting the professional guide, to the point where am looking at someone wondering why am there. THIS time will be saying, hey, adult survivor of severe childhood abuse who is no longer coping well, can you please give professional guidance?

Gotta have a good plan upfront I think. And why share here?

Well is so wrong, but is so easy for so many people to launch a personal attack with an insult about your sanity. And once they start attacking you on mental health, human beings can go down a slippery slope to where reason no longer matters. They just FEEL something must be wrong with you because you make them feel wrong.

So maybe more information will help. But maybe will not with certain folks. In my experience, there are people who tend to find facts do not matter to them in certain areas, if get an opinion. They will hold that opinion till death. But could help even with such types, who come newly to things like this blog, before an opinion sets.

Better to go with facts though, if you can. Or even better, leave medical diagnosis? To the well-trained professionals.

James Harris