
Thursday, February 22, 2018

Will machines rule us? Pondering The Matrix

One movie have thought about many ways for a long time is The Matrix, where really feel more impressed with first one than the sequels. Though one of my big disappointments was the reason for why the machines kept humans in vats. Where have a better reason.

As technology advances of course is not surprising our species is exploring concepts around what might happen, and fiction is a great vehicle. Though I also have read plenty of analysis which indicates that we'd have no clue really. Our focus is on how human beings think.

Intelligence that is NOT human would naturally then think in ways we could find very difficult to guess, which is another reason to focus on a movie. Admitting do not have a firm opinion on what a machine takeover might look like, and also will be creative here in a way not meant to diminish the original concepts.

Like to me data storage is a more natural reason for storing humans as turns out there is a LOT of capacity for it in your head. And maybe can not realize that for machines that could be a great reason to use human beings, especially if did not feel any other use of us was important to you.

As our species starts piling up more and more data does not sound so wacky am sure to the people paying attention. And machine intelligences could dwarf our example EXTREMELY rapidly, and figure out could just plug up humans for extra data storage space. Though you STILL run into lots of problems with details about keeping such humans healthy, so will still note is fiction. We have to give lots of dramatic license though could solve each problem but wonder to myself why. Worse could make it actually seem plausible.

Our focus on beings built, possibly by us, who simply take over our planet is a natural one. And fiction in my opinion should explore it more. But with better ideas! Many times is more like some monstrous entity simply wishes to conquer like some human conqueror. But looking around at information battles already starting on our planet, looks like information wars go differently than physical ones.

Which I think is very interesting. And feel like we will see mind wars, where groups battle for influence over what most humans think! Which is arguably already happening.

Oh, so rebooting The Matrix is of course easy. Could be explained that others were simply misguided as to the reasons with a laugh that machines using fusion power would need humans for batteries. Oh yeah, would give them fusion, as is fiction. (Originally they used solar but switched then.)

For the reboot the machines are leaving Earth. Vastly more advanced why keep hanging out here? They seek adventures in space. The freed humans are now in a race against time as huge swathes of abandoned humans are left to die in vats. But how do you save them?

See? Rebooting the story is easy.

James Harris

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