
Sunday, October 22, 2017

Finishing up assessments

Been using my blogs to figure some things out, with bulk of that here, and may as well go ahead and put forward some assessments.

My mathematical research does indicate that an error that entered into the mathematical field in number theory amazingly enough is best explanation for lack of pick up of that research. The error afflicts number theory where number theorists have long gotten away with pure research which doesn't relate to science or technology. Which is good. Is why hasn't impacted science or technology, much. Though there may be a HUGE problem in area of web security.

And yeah is just stunning really that I demonstrated the problem with a published paper which appeared to prove one thing, when by accepted rules same thing wasn't allowed, proving beyond ANY doubt that there was problem that needed to be fixed. That was over a decade ago.

But that problem allows what I call mathematical fiction.

Plenty of my math research opens door to further discovery where for years hoped that could move things forward. But now realize that mathematical truth has little incentive to people who have careers built on lucrative mathematical fiction. Is ironic. So very terribly ironic that the mathematical field would be so afflicted, and for over a hundred years.

Only practical clue in our times is the unfortunate reality that computer security was built around ideas put forward by, yup, number theorists. Unable to do some things that MAY be easy, for someone with greater mathematical ability where I refuse to do much research in that area. And who knows? Maybe endless explanations around security breaches claiming human error are correct.

Or, um, these computer security systems just do not actually work well to stop people who have developed certain expertise. Worst case? Certain ones of them, no longer are working at all with people who know how to breach them, if the worst scenario IS playing out and there IS lying around breaches. So hedging, hedging, hedging as we're talking something unbelievable even for me, if true.

You'd think some government would figure it out then. Oh, maybe some have.

And might help explain SOME of the information that has flowed into the public domain. Presumably some who found out how might try to work, well at least to embarrass certain rich and powerful.

It does fit, but again, am hedging much. Situation is so weird. Must be lots of failures across multiple systems for it to have lasted this long, if that is the explanation. Have long had suspicions and am now simply airing them out. What I do know for sure is there is the problem in number theory which means there must be the problem with number theorists.

Having correct mathematics though draws attention to me. And on top of that have used intellectual techniques developed in other areas which gets me more global attention from those things discovered there as well. But struggled with monetizing, partly because didn't feel like it, was looking for a certifying authority from establishment folks who as noted were not going to give it now believe, and also web has been in development.

Our world is transitioning in many ways. Have been figuring things out as rapidly as I can, while that occurs but it is hard actually.

Oh, and is very weird the global attention indicated by web analytics which always seems just enough to keep me guessing without doing much else, except when I can check by indirect means.

So basic assessment is, world is in flux which makes it hard to be sure about lots of things. Unfortunately is absolutely proven a problem with number theory, which also at this time proves a problem with number theorists. Is true that a better explanation for rampant security problems could be a failure of underlying mathematical ideas, but is not something can say definitively.

Given that math does not entice further discovery from people I believe rely on mathematical fiction, should put to the side for now, and focus on other things. With the concern that global security may be breached, but have notified governments as best I could. And there really isn't much more I can do there.

Moving forward should focus on intellectual discovery in other areas where functional results should lead interested people into picking up and improving upon valuable information. Further should focus more on web analytics and figuring out total numbers of people beyond just total reach with too much focus on country counts.

Assessments in this area, complete.

James Harris

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