
Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Valuing ideas though

From firm foundations where questions of truth can be settled absolutely has been important to me to find where best process can go. Which means developing intellectual tools, which are more generally applicable than to one particular area. And then noting value of ideas found, and how best to determine.

The web facilitates idea discovery, idea checking, and idea distribution by solving the information distribution problem, and in essence removing social distance.

My post here can be read anywhere in the world by anyone with web access who chooses, though language can be a barrier which technology is helping to remove, as Google Translate is on this blog. Though am not sure will admit how well it works to communicate with my writing style.

To me checking with idea discovery in multiple areas helps check foundations in any one, as predictive certainty is a process which we can study in science, where a body of evidence constantly builds.

The truth stays constant--flip that light switch and it works or not, and you can probably figure out why.

And computing systems actually rigorously test quantum mechanics to a level no scientific theory could be checked before. EVERY computer system is checking science billions of times per second, with clock rates we want ever faster. If the science were off even by very tiny measures, your computing device would cease to operate, as would mine.

With intellectual reach into multiple areas can check process, and also can help with any number of things for myself, with that shared as a benefit to others.

Like noted recently that my ideas about entertainment if correct, should lead to better, as people get a better feel for what works, and what does not.

How we value ideas in the real world is a question am considering, as look at process, effectiveness, community, and discussion considering all the ways we humans, talk ideas out.

James Harris

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