Finding answers for me has been refreshing and some of my answers have greatly helped explain things that were mysterious to me. Like with important ideas? Really did take it for granted that main thing was presenting to some relevant expert, who would snap up something important with glee!
That preconceived notion got tested though with my own ideas, when shared with relevant experts, and didn't get that expected, where feel like I then did the rational thing--I severely questioned my own ideas.
However, had an explanation within one of my ideas which got published in a math journal with a wacky story where chief editor tried to literally pull from electronic publication by just deleting out, and after one more edition the journal shutdown. Um, here's a link to its archives. The archives are maintained by a European organization I think is wonderful, as they clearly take math publication very seriously. They even separately link out to my original paper, and no point to give that link here. (If really want it go to my blog Some Math.)
Ok, so yeah, problem with the result is it could undermine the careers of number theorists, a type of mathematician, who might find out they, um, have no valid research as a result.
And then it's like, duh! Of course such people might not exactly have a passion for the truth in such a situation! But am just talking number theorists and maybe, though now feel more confident, very likely based on their behavior. Though yeah, a dead math journal was probably a clue.
For me, a good word for implications of my own research is, unsettled.
As much as wanted a certifying authority, publication even with that weird, was certifying. By the rules, was validated, and am now a published mathematical author. However that feeling of having the foundations of your understanding shattered, can still be there with your own ideas.
I talk about my ideas like are people. That is from a sense of the willfulness, which is my imagination. Like running away from implications so much only to realize will catch you eventually, is a sense of WILL. My ideas are relentless.
But my need to try and settle my feelings lead to so much. Driven by a need to be certain, found a functional way to check a mathematical argument. Once pondered power of what I call a functional approach decided to look for one for science. Why? To talk climate change in a more effective way.
When had a functional definition of science, oh yeah, and one for money in there somewhere though NOT formalized, also had reason to find ones for other things, including one for entertainment. And is SO simple. Isn't that weird?
Ever wonder how it could be possible that entertainment could be so simply defined as just a way to safely control mood and that be something I can claim to have made up a couple of years ago?
Just check definitions out there for entertainment and notice if there is anything like mine.
My guess is that our human ancestors understood that intuitively on such a level it was just understood, and they didn't have much time for entertainment anyway. Too busy trying to survive.
With our greater time for leisure, entertainment has risen in dominance without people feeling a need to properly abstract it. While I did end up having a need, in order to explain something else. Was explaining social media audience counts, which I think is more accurate though not as much used, as so many clearly prefer to claim as, followers.
The linkages explain much but for me, means am a person read all over the world. Which was unsettling as well. And understanding there has been so much more fun.
If those math people had acted as a proper authority, might never have figured out half the things I have. And to me would have been such a loss, though, how do you know what you don't know? Or even more directly applicable, what you never knew?
Guess I would have been happy with what I had actually. Like am now.
Maybe it was destiny. Used to hate that word. Now I mutter it to myself often.
Well there I've gone again to do my best to explain, from my perspective. Eventually some other folks WILL probably get properly gleeful over the truth of the story, and who knows what THEY will say.
For now at least I DO try, to help resolve, some mystery.
James Harris
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