
Saturday, January 27, 2018

Movie theater of the future?

There are those things which seems so OBVIOUS to me after pondering where wonder if something like what will describe isn't out there SOMEWHERE, and if so? Cool! Would like to know.

But imagine that on Sunday morning on a website for your local movie theater, you have the option to purchase a ticket for possible movie showings starting at midnight Thursday.

And you know your movie will show when your paying method, which could be credit or debit is charged, as theater knows which movies won. Biggest box office wins, of course.

Then the theater downloads the movies to show from the web. And you go to watch movie like usual.

And not everyone needs to buy that way. Most may simply show up at theater to watch something, like usual, as long as seats are still available.

To me is just such a simple idea, where theater maximizes total viewers, by having people pick what they want to see and put their money down so is sure. And THEN theater picks movies to show.

Even if THAT theater doesn't show movie you want, you might immediately go to website of another if more than one local or even to another town, or city, if you can travel.

Where what people wish to see in the area? For real, without so much guessing?

Is what the movie theater shows.

Seems simple to me! So what's wrong with this idea? Is it in place anywhere? And the questions start.

That's my process. Oh, so need to add metaprocess to labels below too.

James Harris

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