
Thursday, January 25, 2018

Web attention reality challenges

Feel like have usually avoided talking negatives associated with our new ease of information distribution reality possible over the web and with good reason. Along with so much positive in being able to share globally, you can also discover how easily people can reach out in negative ways.

And why do they? Well lots of reasons but in my opinion often you discover some territoriality which is not justified where for instance a complete stranger may believe should have control over YOUR free speech.

A routine example have noticed is when people order celebrities to not talk politics on social media.

In the United States where freedom of speech is a cherished ideal that is especially remarkable. And sure you can be upset with someone's politics. But what delusion makes you think you have power over that other person?

The ease of social media can reveal people willing to use insults or threats of physical aggression in areas that surprise. And in my experience is just about the numbers.

Once you draw attention into the thousands? From what have witnessed, you WILL have people who will attack you in some way on the web. And that from what I've noticed is without regard to anything else. Is just about the numbers.

To some people apparently just receiving attention at certain levels makes you a target.

Was very important for me to learn as naturally in the past DID tend to consider more factors when facing negatives only to find--there were none. It was an adjustment needed to view attention itself as only trigger for some to lash out at you.

The information distribution reality created by the web age is primarily positive am certain. I do talk it gleefully a LOT. But also sheer ability to potentially reach you can mean that people can attempt for a variety of reasons.

And negative attention is not a subject I talk much because for one thing I think it's silly behavior but also can be dangerous or very irritating. However, have noticed that if there is a lot negative about you out there, there are people who MAY trust it.

People are getting smarter about the web as we learn from experience as a globe.

But should also acknowledge, that hey, negatives about a person may be true! But also may be made up, or misleading, from someone expecting to get away with it.

Which is another reason that people engage in such behavior. Like maybe if enough of them can be hostile to public people, like to a celebrity, then they can silence them on a subject.

Society is getting smarter about that behavior, thankfully.

James Harris

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