
Monday, January 29, 2018

What is missing in analysis then?

At least should be clear am not seeking attention from math folks. The math controversy WAS fun, will admit. That of course makes sense when a person is correct and never really bugged me too much. But shifted as started taking money problem seriously, without effect.

Reality is most people do not care in that area, one way or the other, and I do not blame them.

Still folks don't want to feel stupid from talking up someone who is way wrong. And trolls can test an ability to check, and why bother? Is like, if is correct, why are they after a person, is easy to think.

My distancing from people in the math field I guess does not help.

But why should I care if some mathematicians don't believe things mathematically correct really? It will outlast them.

The trolls aren't checking either I found out. They just look for targets, and couldn't be bothered to verify if math is wrong or not. Reality is, I don't care about them much. But am debating how much they can influence.

Where think is better now, as more people learn such behavior. And if believe in web search can check things quickly. Which have addressed recently noting a divide, where will focus on the people with the modern point of view. So yeah, if wish to check people can rapidly.

And web attention draw was cool and addictive. Especially as I tested it.

Yeah and don't like that addictive aspect which I believe is under control now. Kind of gets to that power corrupts...but have no power. Is more like influence can corrupt.

Could shift so many things. And not like was hiding it either. Was funny to think of world leaders getting weird updates about my latest, trying to understand it, if they did. If they didn't then they just have crappy analysis missing important. Plenty of things were most definitely ME, and I'd talk it out before, during and after.

And none of that is gone AT ALL. Right now could fiddle with any number of things as all through free things, without concern that will go away. And am much more responsible now. Before didn't seem real, but now it does.

Am beginning to pay more attention to others maybe lying now about their current influence as it has rapidly waned. THEY can be convincing to many including global leaders. As how would those know?

Web has changed so much so fast.

The quiet is what is messing me up. But I LIKE the quiet. Ok. Maybe progress?

Yeah that has to be key. Means am NOT getting necessary information which of course is important when you talk about a product or service sold to others.

My lack of work on feedback and enjoyment of the quiet as I like to call it, may be the thing.

And then it is just about what am doing. No mysterious conspiracy or others needed.

Makes sense. But then if love the quiet so much, how would I change? How do you start the conversation then? Still is a possibility am evaluating, along with others.

Well there is the problem because that back-and-forth flow of information is STILL key regardless. Even to determine if there is some other type of interference.

There focus should be as the problem to be solved. Getting necessary conversation going, and maintaining it.

Yup. Analysis so far where think is for the most part is complete is: no conspiracy. Best analysis is: failure to make meaningful social connections that will move towards business goals.

That is not what was thinking answer would be.

James Harris

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