
Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Intriguing power of explanation with race

One thing have found myself doing much is writing my own functional views on important things. Where to me predictive certainty is key to determining value: what can you DO with such things where get valid results?

Recently found myself talking race in several areas including here, but in a recent post declaring American racism nearly dead on my G+-- (Update August 10, 2019: Now gone so deleted link.)--has something wish to study more closely:

So educated folks now know that race was an invention--by racists, who were trying to arbitrarily select out some humans as sub-human in a pseudo-class system.

Which is a topic with personal implications for me, as grew up in the Deep South and of course racism was a concern. While I had a unique experience, as a result of being considered gifted, where have wondered about that much. For me became obvious when I'd face people struggling to try to maintain some sense of intrinsic superiority even when utterly failing to demonstrate with real world ability.

Is remarkable to reach a point where can write to me a simple sentence which encapsulates the most important concepts of such a powerfully destructive thing as concept of race.

Reason racists wanted some to be less than human was to justify exploiting them. Like you can exploit a human, but is it exploiting some beast of burden to pull a plow? Of course if you recognize humanity then not only is the exploitation wrong, but also demonstrates a laziness on your part if wish to live off the better efforts of your fellow humans.

It was pseudo-class in that the racists wished to give themselves an elevated position by birth. Where that is not recognized in the United States, which made it a fake class system. Unlike true class systems like in Europe.

And that is all there is to race. Modern science now calls a social construct. And you have an explanation from me on MY opinion of functional aspects, but with what power?

Actually can now deconstruct every aspect around race that you can witness in a society like in the United States. When people can understand something, in my experience? Then they can make better choices. Seems obvious to me.

So is American racism actually nearly dead? And answer is, yes. However, even with a relatively small percentage of Americans desperate to believe they are innately superior they can do a LOT of damage. And will do things to exploit others, which is remarkable to me. Like how can you believe YOU are superior by exploiting better ideas of some other person? They rationalize much I guess.

And of course you have disadvantaged populations still struggling to figure out their place in society, and how to have real opportunity. Especially if still routinely run into hostiles, fighting to both keep their treasured belief in innate superiority, and also hide from consequences in a society that is no longer openly tolerating it.

Merit rules ARE better of course. Web helps as people's behavior over time declares best who they are. Is much harder to hide ideas hostile to core humanity in our times. And much harder to simply build your success on exploiting others, without eventually getting caught.

As web enables information to flow, we learn better about our best behavior. Where can then find the value in sharing! Better ideas am sure help people. To me is that simple.

James Harris

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