Better thing about the web is that ability to put something out here and have people all over the world or just in your little corner of the world, consider and maybe appreciate it. Which is a give and take process as you give content and take feedback. Or try not to take it, or discover if you can take it.
The constant refinement is giving us a different kind of person on the global stage, often with experience that was impossible to gain in the past.
Going through a system that is more like what I call a silo, you could find people looking for a chance to even get to heavy exposure. Or get to ANY exposure.
While on the web you can just decide to put something up, like on social media.
You then become the executive for your decisions, executing your plans and deciding much, long before you can usually garner enough attention to be subject to decision-making from established executives, if you want it.
Which I think is great.
The refinement of constant feedback possible from the web is key to a very different type of person on the global stage--like me!
Which expands the range of content.
If you have something interesting? You can interest others.
Web enables. Your choice.
James Harris
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