
Friday, March 30, 2018

Protections against pressure

One thing might help me to admit is how much work, especially on my blogs, is designed to get ahead of potential pressure in certain areas.

For example long have been concerned could be pushed into being some kind of political figure. So came up with Core Middle Party where link goes to post on Lost in Commentary made October 27, 2011. My personal ideas for a political party which establishes my baseline on political positions as was easier to just make a complete one than not. Was like mental effort to establish SOME positions or mental effort to just get a complete political party? About the same I concluded. So yeah, may as well just make a complete one.

With my stated goal being to be out of politics as much as possible. Which to me makes sense that I would make up my own political party to stay out of politics. If puzzles you, maybe think about it until can figure out the logic.

Lots political is on Lost in Commentary where had my baseline public initial position on American racism, posted January 31, 2011. Where have finally clarified things with several posts more recently as look to be finished with the area. And re-reading it, is interesting how much has shifted even in how I talk the subject. Like compare with my latest post on subject on this blog. And am surprised at some of my phrasing back then. Is interesting to note too that science now says race is a social construct. Well DO like progress. Will leave older post authentic to its time and not fiddle with it.

Was important for me to be clear of race as soon as possible.

On business side was concerned about monetary pressure which remains a concern. But much work was done here. Like figured out my own analysis of how money flows, posted April 29, 2015. Where have LOTS of posts on more than one blog covering my position that money is just an abstraction of a favor with a social IOU backed by society itself. Is important though that with that position have a post on Lost in Commentary talking how money is introduced into the global economy, posted July 27, 2015.

These are posts that help me decide around certain potential pressure points, where others might maybe push for something or other. So am collecting here. What happens is I reference when needed and yeah can find posts, but is easier to have links in one place.

So have key posts that handle political, as well as ones related to international trade, global economy, and now have finished my political position on race as look to separate from area completely.

Works in progress are on areas where will make money myself! And will leave outside of this post concerns about employment things, or how to make money things. Mainly looking to be sure have completely handled these other things. I think I have. So is like, if for some reason reached a point where someone might want to ask me questions in these areas, would have important things, already answered.

James Harris

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Our common global potential

Am paying more attention to how often notice local stories from around the globe. Also other ways when find myself considering distant nations by various measures, where am learning much about people there. Which to me is a great benefit of the ease of information distribution of the web.

But also means am looking at people getting global attention.

Where do think we need to talk it that way. And have a feeling that often? Is not felt that way for those folks! Where will go meta with my own experience.

Meta just means: self-referential

And self reference helps me keep my facts straight. Like February 2004, decided to put up an open source project for software developers with vague ideas of what MIGHT happen. Wanted good things but was wary then of what I thought might happen if did ok.

Now over fourteen years later, is a relatively small open source project where has at best that I noticed managed a bit over 9 downloads per day, but has been less than that lately. Where that is from a LOT of countries, though again not as many as plenty of other open source projects with which I have compared.

Such things helped me greatly. And besides some web stats for a long time told myself could not notice much impact at all. But as the years have gone by, and have other things that pull global interest as well, have finally accepted--did change my life and in good ways too.

Learned much, and am better appreciating the global reality which gave me the experience, which is web enabled.

Ended up tossing just about everything I thought I knew about what happens if you get global attention. Reality is cooler though. So much speculative before realize had no reason to know better.

Where that POTENTIAL is there for any of us in the modern age, as even if you do not share at all, or are not even on the web, so would not be reading this post more than likely, someone else might share. And next thing, some other person is someone am considering, as ponder to myself the global reality of the web which means I am learning a person's story or something about that person, despite being so distant otherwise.

Which I think is often great. Definitely helps us appreciate core humanity I think. Is worth it then, to ponder how often is true for you. As definitely helps to get a better picture of people all over the world, and not just from nations which used to grab...I think the United States did.

Am not sure. Grew up in this country so realize have no clue how much attention Americans tend to grab around the globe really. We do tend to talk like we get a lot, but am more suspicious lately.

Regardless, am sure will change! Or should say, will continue to change, as web opens up our planet, and knowledge flows more easily around the globe.

James Harris

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Intriguing power of explanation with race

One thing have found myself doing much is writing my own functional views on important things. Where to me predictive certainty is key to determining value: what can you DO with such things where get valid results?

Recently found myself talking race in several areas including here, but in a recent post declaring American racism nearly dead on my G+-- (Update August 10, 2019: Now gone so deleted link.)--has something wish to study more closely:

So educated folks now know that race was an invention--by racists, who were trying to arbitrarily select out some humans as sub-human in a pseudo-class system.

Which is a topic with personal implications for me, as grew up in the Deep South and of course racism was a concern. While I had a unique experience, as a result of being considered gifted, where have wondered about that much. For me became obvious when I'd face people struggling to try to maintain some sense of intrinsic superiority even when utterly failing to demonstrate with real world ability.

Is remarkable to reach a point where can write to me a simple sentence which encapsulates the most important concepts of such a powerfully destructive thing as concept of race.

Reason racists wanted some to be less than human was to justify exploiting them. Like you can exploit a human, but is it exploiting some beast of burden to pull a plow? Of course if you recognize humanity then not only is the exploitation wrong, but also demonstrates a laziness on your part if wish to live off the better efforts of your fellow humans.

It was pseudo-class in that the racists wished to give themselves an elevated position by birth. Where that is not recognized in the United States, which made it a fake class system. Unlike true class systems like in Europe.

And that is all there is to race. Modern science now calls a social construct. And you have an explanation from me on MY opinion of functional aspects, but with what power?

Actually can now deconstruct every aspect around race that you can witness in a society like in the United States. When people can understand something, in my experience? Then they can make better choices. Seems obvious to me.

So is American racism actually nearly dead? And answer is, yes. However, even with a relatively small percentage of Americans desperate to believe they are innately superior they can do a LOT of damage. And will do things to exploit others, which is remarkable to me. Like how can you believe YOU are superior by exploiting better ideas of some other person? They rationalize much I guess.

And of course you have disadvantaged populations still struggling to figure out their place in society, and how to have real opportunity. Especially if still routinely run into hostiles, fighting to both keep their treasured belief in innate superiority, and also hide from consequences in a society that is no longer openly tolerating it.

Merit rules ARE better of course. Web helps as people's behavior over time declares best who they are. Is much harder to hide ideas hostile to core humanity in our times. And much harder to simply build your success on exploiting others, without eventually getting caught.

As web enables information to flow, we learn better about our best behavior. Where can then find the value in sharing! Better ideas am sure help people. To me is that simple.

James Harris

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Open source idea: CrowdTicketPrice

Was thinking to myself about someone scheduling having some personality show up to speak to the public in some venue. And could you crowd source pricing?

Like what if there was a max bid, for a ticket, which was deliberately priced higher, but just in case demand was at that level. Like say, $50 US for a speaker at a thousand seat venue.

If you simply purchased at max price, with tickets available, then you'd have your ticket, potentially at that price.

But you could also bid a price. Where when all tickets are sold, is just mathematically determined what was the most desired price, and that is then the set price.

To prevent fraud the algorithm for that calculation should be open source, and bids should be public, with all other information withheld to preserve anonymity and privacy. That way anyone can calculate the set price, which would be a protection for all.

People who were willing to purchase at max price would then only be charged the set price. Like say was $33 US. And all people who bid above that price or at it, would then be charged at that price and have their tickets.

But people who bid BELOW the set price would get an option, to upscale to the set price--or release their ticket.

And released tickets would go back on sale, at the now set price of: $33 US

Potentially with high demand, all the tickets could rapidly sale at max bid, showing that IS the proper price or probably lower than what value people might actually believe is there.

Might seem like best bet is to bid low, to try and drive down the total price, but that opens the door to more people! Which with a high demand item would LESSEN likelihood would get a ticket. Like if is dynamic where the likely set price is viewable, oh which is an addition to idea, and everyone is bidding $1 US, then might go rapidly.

Oh yeah, people can be squirrely. What if everyone just learns to bid $1 and rush for tickets?

Well could set a minimum, if necessary. Probably would depend on the likely community though of interested people as to whether or not would so behave.

Could even let people bid below a minimum, and if demand did not reach, could go ahead and sell them at what can then be like a shorted level. So they were being closer to what people really value.

THAT could be very dynamic, and decided will toss out there as a free idea. Oh yeah, should link to my other idea for people dynamically PICKING movies for the theater: Movie theater of the future?

Have ideas like these ALL the time. Tend to just put them up somewhere public, just in case might be valuable. If that sounds wrong to you? Then guessing you do not think like me. Is cool.

James Harris

Possibility of web help and my experience

Web has helped me greatly, where like here can definitely use to talk my story, and share ideas! Where have noted been greatly puzzled there. Like can share ideas I think are beneficial, and witness good effects, and then there is not other things that I thought would happen.

Has been like that for around twenty years.

Early on was talking math primarily with my dream of dismissing racist notions MYSELF with mathematical discovery.

Where now fully believe had the result I needed--in 1996.

And as is typical of people who can make such discoveries in math, kept piling on.

Including making much bigger ones, like discovering that math can do algebra itself--and better than us! Where that was shown with an improvement on an approach from Carl Gauss, one of the greatest mathematicians of all.

Where didn't actually have to do most of the work there as the math did it for me. And can do it for anybody, who understands the basic techniques in the advance. And I discovered that September 2008.

Well shared on the web. Got plenty of attention apparently where learned through Google Analytics primarily at first. But where was the rest? Like where was the press?

Well looks like I discovered there are things we thought were one way, were really another.

At least web and doing other things, like deliberately did karaoke, allowed me to safely learn rules of attention including global ones. Web for the global ones, and karaoke for the experience of fans jumping up and down and screaming name. So I didn't exactly miss out. And yes, apparently at times people recognize me, and no do not want a celebrity experience there. Let's keep it cool like now, ok? Still there is value for others with a proper recognition, as my story is so much about--merit rules.

With the social disruption of the web helping to reveal how things REALLY worked, things are actually so cool now in many ways.

Like check out US box office, where thankfully the facts rule. Are seeing massive disruptions with major productions going down in flames and supposed rules of the past upended completely with the actual hits. Pay close attention I think to where you can check with facts, so know are seeing REAL success. When I see what seemed more typical of the past? I think, check for the money. And I TOLD you here my functional definition of entertainment was about helping the entertainment industry.

Where my functional ideas are just part of the social disruption.

The primary? YOU, me and people like us, if you watch movies, who are talking, through the web. Where yeah much of that is through social media.

No longer can certain people MAKE a movie a success just by promotion, primarily through television and relying on enough early box office to build momentum for a movie that may be trash.

In our times, people talk movies out of the gate, where that can be considered by others globally, so more merit can rule, and audiences regain their power.

And MAYBE we can finally map out the people behind the scenes who had a contempt for us before, as they manipulated, and created an illusion--of success. What price to pay for those who bowed before them?

Trappings of success--celebrity, wealth, and what they called fame, but what is fame? Really?

My story now moves to that phase where we ponder how? How could you work to suppress some of the greatest intellectual discoveries in human history? And for goodness sake, why even would you try? What kind of person or people could do such a thing?

Am SO curious on that one, not surprisingly. And yup, you are part of getting the answer, which is why am sharing here. After all, we were all treated badly, together. In a system that I think was about making sure that most people could never get to the heights of success--without going through gatekeepers.

And we've learned some of them were sexual predators.

How often were predators merely picking those who we were to think were successful? And with what price for them? Is scary to ponder, eh? But yeah if full force such a system would hate merit rules. Is not necessarily the case was in place. Am admittedly speculating as search for answers to my own story.

Yet I DO wonder. Discovery is one of the greatest merit arenas our species has. Major discoveries have fueled human progress for so long. What humans could finally find the keys to such blocking on this scale and for so long? They intrigue me with their efficacy.

These are people who apparently wanted to be certain your merit? Does not matter. So they could be the ultimate gatekeepers, hidden in the shadows? Maybe. Maybe not.

Our world will figure out, am sure as is just too curious. How was it done? How is it being continued?

Inquiring minds do need to understand, by whom, and why.

James Harris

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Some speculative explanation

So maybe now a more complete story can be told, but with admitted speculation. So yeah since was 18 had an idea in mind wanted something big, where part of the reason was to debunk racist nonsense. And did focus on math, because it is objective. But wasn't until was 26, had what I now know to be my first major result, when went looking not just to keep my mind active, but had a run-in with a person I believe was racist. Part of me was like, am just going to fix this thing completely.

That result when I was 26 back in 1996 was rejected by an editor at a prestigious math journal as too simple. Where now am like, oh. Yeah you think he's saying too simple to be correct, but now am focusing more on social disruption. Also figure that result, which I knew could help in materials science, and things like molecular chemistry may have actually been picked up and used.

As messed up as may sound to us over 20 years later, part of me would shrug at that thought, and of course now know that December 1999 would come up with an approach that I found out September 2008, lets the math actually do the complex algebraic manipulations for you. Where now realize was completely disrupted myself during that period.

Was managing to do things. Spent much time talking math online. Felt like was running into resistance, but for me really was just trying to reprocess how to place myself in our world. And of course had accomplished my goals. But where was the recognition I expected?

And was working, at times, though struggling a bit there. Where things were going smoothly again finally in San Francisco when was doing data entry for a major insurance company. Now realize yeah, when I put a picture up in 2010? Yeah could have something to do with being made part of a layoff a little bit later.

Really was done for the most part with math things by 2012. And realize by now had some of the biggest things...well is hard to even write. And also knew had lots of attention on the web by SOME measures, while there was contradictory information. At one point was upset and out of it enough to contact my representatives in the US Congress. Was in San Francisco at the time. Asked them if they would investigate Google to check if they were messing with me with web stats. Office of the one senator to whom I sent was smart enough to reply, or nice enough. The one to a representative went unanswered. So I ranted about that person a bit online. I now realize for sure--that has an impact.

My assessment now is that social disruption was the primary reason early, and that race things may have played into it as I ranged, as some people maybe thought could leverage the techniques have been discussing lately. Which is probably lots of why I addressed now.

Because have a process for figuring out answers, where the truth works.

Then I can apply solutions--globally.

Where I also considered entertainment, and figured it needed improving. Where yeah, with me, means figured should improve entertainment, globally.

You see the pattern? I think is comforting, as I rarely will involve myself with things NOT global, and noted respect national boundaries. So when you get even more granular like down to regional levels? No way am involved unless am LIVING in that region, but then am more likely to use typical tools.

And at the local level? Just am like everyone else, mostly. Well I try to be. Where my methods are simply about relying on powerful truths! Which may work local to some extent, but so can yours, you know?

But yeah, when I work to solve things? You can notice I figure may as well solve as completely as possible, where will focus global routinely.

Now am thinking that yeah, these kinds of disruptions draw attention, and have faced people who maybe are trying to figure out what is going on--which is good! Who maybe also are doing things to try and contain me, which is bad, and probably illegal.

After all, am only doing legal things myself. Am sharing much, and trying to explain much. And reality is, have just figured out major things of great importance. Going after a major discoverer?

Just will not work well over time.

That effort to contain important information though to preserve a status quo? Well that can be functionally understood with its success. How different our world today if some Black guy had been trumpeted as a major math discover back in 1996? Probably not much different in my opinion.

That's a hard learned opinion though. In the past would get angry asking myself that question, so certain was facing effective suppression techniques. Now am not so sure.

People actually seem to have shifted much as if truth were widely known. Making me wonder. After all, the press is just one thing. And not even necessarily a very trusted thing in our times.

Knowledge can simply move.

But consider, now the big picture of how am so global? Lots of major discoveries where social disruption leading to territorial behavior gives much of the explanation for lack of proper press, but American racism probably plays into it later and to some degree. And world has thankfully had the benefits of my ideas, but maybe some concerns there about things currently going on.

Which to me is an interesting speculative explanation. To go along with so many other attempts at explaining. So why so much? Well have explained is not just about me figuring it out, but also needing to explain for others. With any explanation can check how helpful it is.

James Harris

Beyond mysticism and attention reality

Years ago was more put off by web things realize are quite consistent with web facilitating easy movement of ideas. Where focus on key things like information distribution really helps a lot. But like, who are the folks most likely to be VERY interested in some area of human endeavor?

Generally the MOST interested people in an area of human endeavor are the people most involved in that arena, whether that be because of skills or in some other way that involves a lot of their time and effort.

So like in OUR times a relatively new performing artist can start with plenty of famous fans, who are the most known performing artists. And they can contact that person, easily, thanks to the web.

Which is kind of to help folks who might still not be used to our web reality. It's really not that big of a deal, and is NOT a short-cut to success either.

Finding grassroots, where you build from levels not near the top are actually more difficult in our web environment. Is harder to quietly build your thing, without being noticed by folks who can actually be rather disruptive no matter how nice they are to you. Which is not the fault of that person necessarily.

Web disruption can come in many ways. And no, is not necessarily the case even if you're a brilliant new performer you will find yourself being contacted by very famous people out of the blue just like nothing. But if it does happen? Do not be surprised.

With myself do try to keep down behaviors I find suspect. Like how often find silly or egregious errors in things have posted, which I may clean up over days.

Those kinds of things throw off the upper level people. Who I realize may be the FIRST to read, as they are the most interested, and web enables.

Attention reality in our times can be simpler. But am explaining more, like talking how I do meme injections, where introduce simple ideas, which I expect to move. Did so in a prior post where discussed the meme injection: telemarketer mentality don't badger me

Also talking it more does strengthen but purpose here, with I guess a very potent functional meme isn't to put more energy into it, but to explain why explaining how I tried to do it.

Where is a relatively minor one. There have been far more MASSIVE ones that have flown through recently, like me talking race. So you can get the general principle. Is same across the board.

Information flows in our times. And before long people will be used to the consequences which shift things very markedly from the ways of the past. I think getting beyond any kind of mysticism, is very good. And is great for me! Took me a long time to settle down with many things.

Because yeah, disruptive technology is not just disruptive for those whose lives are changed by moving into their industry. Can also be disruptive for people like me who have to shift so much from how things were before.

Was brought up for an entirely different world. Do prefer the web reality of this one. But there is just so much to process and learn.

James Harris

Monday, March 19, 2018

How do we know web success?

Have been pondering quite a few things and found myself relentlessly checking a LOT surveying systems of the world. And yet it did not occur to me to really ask how is it that I think something on the web is successful.

And the sad answer is: have yet again been using prior metrics which really learned in the 20th century, where metric just means measure. When I should have known better.

Have emphasized ease of the web with information distribution. Discovered from my own story that something useful travels well. And found myself struggling to find an explanation for MY money difficulties, until yet again realized should look broader.

Yet again reason could not find a conspiracy around myself would seem to be a broader suppression, which is so weird am more speculative here.

But consider, like a music artist could conceivably with the direct connect of the web, make money, from fans buying songs directly, and I think to myself there are those who do, right? I remember an example in a documentary I saw a while back.

And yeah am vague on subject. Who IS making money on the web? Besides certain HUGE corporations I refuse to name.

Then getting to questions of success. So much focus is on social media. And I really don't know, though have an explanation based on entertainment value for how people who are entertaining would get big social media counts. However only now can we really look to how those correlate with ANY other measure, as have the gift of time.

Can just consider how big social media numbers match with anything else for a person.

So am more speculative here. Have assumed much was seeing success on the web where am not so sure now, but am not sure was not. Like aren't there bloggers who make money? I think there are influencers in lots of areas who end up with agents, who are some of the folks I call money people, and dawns on me, am not sure really how they actually justify monetary amounts.

The full potential of the web? Could put a lot of money people maybe out of work? I guess. Really hadn't thought of them much until recently. Did they figure something out though? Quickly? When challenged? If so, what?

What if though, and here am speculating to the wild limit, the money people are working to make sure you have to go through them? But how would they do it? Ok, will say this direction may be a wacky stretch. But will post as is my blog. And posting helps me get web help, as the ideas flow.

How do we know web success? From whom do we get this information? The public information is there with social media at least, which usually is follower numbers and such. Already talked that though.

And yeah, am focused away from web commerce where of course people are buying things through the web like through a few big companies will not give free advertising by naming. Though I know they do not need it.

James Harris

Making sense then of race things

Having a functional perspective on race is useful, like my functional perspective on entertainment and in other areas, where like to emphasize now considered by science to be a social construct. But to what purpose? Why would any society construct such a concept?

In essence the British for a bit were certain there was something utterly more awesome about being, British. Those ideas in the US were grabbed and a scientific sheen for their times was added eventually, as yeah Sir Isaac Newton really introduced modern science. So was around.

Not many people around the world of course were exactly in agreement with the British ever, though on their supposed intrinsic awesomeness should note.

Well the 1950's arrive and DNA is found and some were like, woo hoo! As they figured could finally nail down this intrinsic inferiority they supposed was in supposedly lesser races and we know how that went. With science of genetics found we're all descended from humans who left Africa--so were dark-skinned. And we're all related more out here, than there with the folks who descended from those who stayed in Africa.

What a downer for some people am sure. So what about appearances?

Genetics gave answer there as well. Turns out humans are very malleable with regard to appearance related to climate, like will get longer noses in dry climates. And that's really it. And it's a small area of our genetic code as well. And is not at all meaningful to any important human characteristics like intelligence.

Oh so that functional on race thing part. Well after slavery ended in the US over 150 years ago, am thinking the former slaveowners who now were in charge still of much, in hiring people who HAD been slaves, did not value their work properly. Which was probably their honest assessment but then I suspect they noticed something--the deliberately lower pay was demoralizing and debilitating to those who were forced to take it.

And that became a business practice which swept the globe, which I say then, was learned after the end of American slavery by the people who had been slaveowners.

Turns out if you deliberately underpay humans it messes them up all kinds of ways. Gives YOU more money by taking what should have been shared, but also--helps you control them.

Like consider wild things in US: Black people are more likely to be underpaid, are less likely to have higher educational attainment, and vote less as a percentage than other groups.

So like in my home state of Georgia, USA, despite being roughly a third of the population, Black folks do not seem to wield much political clout! Is very odd, eh? Now have given explanation.

Of course we know that women also struggle with underpay, and now can understand why: makes them easier to control. In areas like the American entertainment industry, we have now learned what some people got with that extra control. Making highly desirable performers more malleable?

An incentive to pay less, with lessons I think learned, from watching people who had been slaves, disintegrate psychologically, when deliberately underpaid.

So yeah, was figured out on Black folks am saying, where the worst impacts are STILL there. Where was less potent when used against others, with women also singled out, apparently at least partly as sex objects for predators, who learned was way to help them victimize women, and men or any gender, and also, children. However, most of the effort apparently was at women who were trophies, in my opinion. I think the record reflects that but do worry about my own biases.

Web is cleaning things up. Like there is talking pay which makes it harder to deliberately underpay and get away with it, for most folks. With Black folks? You need to push. Oh yeah, if wondering how you can help, there you go. And again, asking questions can be useful. As get that person to question training that has been highly refined over more than 150 years to accept what should NOT be accepted.

So yeah, some quick questions to just about ANY American Black person and you can be like, huh?

The indoctrinated training is SO DEEP you can have puzzling conversations with Black folks in the US about why they do not ask for proper pay, why they too often do not vote, and why they so often do not strive for better educations.

Simple answer is: the people who trained them got them to do exactly what they wanted them to do.

Things which do not apply to me. I vote just fine, though have missed some, but for the usual reasons. I have been properly paid, and only faced underpay while studying some things. And have a degree in physics from Vanderbilt University. (How I escaped the dysfunctional training is an entirely different story though.)

Have puzzled much about strange conversations with other Black folks. And now I puzzle no more.

Why is it not all explained like above if so simple? Well if it were explained, wouldn't that get rid of it?

Web is finally getting around to that task which is why you know now.

And the British apparently are more humble these days too. Isn't progress grand?

James Harris

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Considering Tolkien and meanings

When was a kid became fascinated with the work of J.R.R. Tolkien which has had a revival recently with movies. But for me was the books! And will not delve deeply into some thoughts on overall significance of course as will be very meta in perspective relative to me.

And has always been on my mind the concepts around skin color in those books as the darker were associated with negatives, but will shrug that off here to consider Sauron and Frodo.

Of course Frodo takes the one ring, and resolves a situation where will not spoil the story though presume most know it. And with me, um, was fascinating when with my math came upon one ring, as in a math ring, which took over from ALL prior. It is literally one ring to rule all of mathematics itself. And was like, oh.

Also have found can wield web tools in a variety of ways, and feel like there have been confrontations in cyberspace where easily crush opposition, but I identify with Frodo.

And Frodo uses the one ring to make himself invisible. And for years have shrank away from implications of my own ideas.

So finally concluded that Sauron and Frodo are merely aspects of the same being, metaphorically and that the resolution was to end the brooding, and destructive visage. That ultimately the point of power was not oppression, but freedom for all.

That actually does make a rather wild sense that Tolkien may have been contrasting concepts around power, which is why you have this brooding giant of a dark figure, successfully confronted by a much smaller person in many ways deliberately so written. Where the creative thing is to see as aspects of the same being in conflict. And Frodo then represents the actual person? Behind the creativity?

So his resolution of his own internal conflict does require that he win, as reality requires, even though of course is a fictional world. Closer to reality would be Frodo, than the superbeing Sauron.

Wondering if also then gives perspective on work of L. Frank Baum with similar themes of reality behind appearance of overwhelming power.

Yeah think in both cases you have writers pondering the reality of the writer along with the rest.

Writers do get an interesting role in creating fictional worlds, which am contemplating more and more. However writer reality is: more like Frodo always than ever like a Sauron, really, you know?

And yeah now makes more sense to me that in resolving the conflict that Tolkien did have the potentially immortal elves along with others, leave. His resolution being a more gritty mundane reality. And will admit that part was not as exciting to me when reading as a kid. Now as an adult have a different appreciation of what MAY have motivated.

Which is how I resolved things in my mind. That urge to wield knowledge like a weapon can cause fear in others, while using to hide, can make you vulnerable as well.

Then transparency is key, with shared knowledge meaning is better for all, in general.

Well I like it. And here my opinion Here can share some ideas! You can agree or disagree of course! Your choice rules there.

James Harris

Friday, March 16, 2018

Wacky cool story really

So to recap, Black guy, me, decided decades ago to put the kibosh on American racism with my own major discovery picking math to beat denial. I succeed, in 2002, and get denial anyway so just keep stacking up the major discoveries, including publication in 2004, showing a BIG hole in the current methodology that lets math guys fake results if they wish.

Flash forward, keep pumping out things, and web lets me know have pulled interest from 100+ countries, but somehow the money is missing! And I keep working at things, and go political, as well as define entertainment functionally.

Where lots of wild happen with the real world, where actually am involved there with MUCH, but that denial thing is STILL happening.

But web finally starts tearing enough of the old systems apart that maybe more people will believe me, while I get better at explaining my story? Maybe? Definitely practicing quite a bit.


To me is a great story also in that is kind of ironic, given history of United States. Some Black dude gets the honor of my discoveries? Why not? Went looking for new ways with math because of American racism, I think. Also is probable there was a part of me drawn in that area. Potential apparently and motivation for lots of reasons and got the results. And at this point the deck is so stacked in my favor I succeeded it blows away any kind of sane doubt.

And of course now reject concept of race as science is now calling a social construct. Am certain was just made up by racists anyway and like to talk that opinion, and we are just one human race actually. So don't even feel resentment for any group by race as, got all that previous? No such thing really as a Black race, so no such thing really as any of the supposed others. We are one human species, whether we like it or not.

Can be simpler to use the old things for dramatic purposes though, as am doing with this post in calling myself a Black guy. Why not? May as well finally get some good use from racist crap. So yeah tone of this post is very different than others as VERY deliberately try to exploit.

And was right to worry how things might go as old systems collapsed but thanks to the web have lots of other examples! Like why fight to keep people from booking and paying for rides from their smartphone? Where getting those levels of attention without so much of the rest DID collapse my revenue making ability. Which has turned critical as have an eviction notice and just days away from being kicked out on the street.

The resistance to truth though. And having to figure out these systems, where posting here helped unravel them. But for a long time didn't understand how, especially with the quiet.

As human advancement is good for us all. And I picked math for a reason! Not an area can lie, or hide, or mislead with claims like mine. So am easily checked!

Wow, just think if had picked some other area. Should just be glad had the math ability and the results were there to find. Though there is a mixed feeling. Just good for anyone to find them really.

Our species advancing is what is important. Greater knowledge helps us all.

Ok and last thing for you if an American press person possibly still in AWE of people I helped bring down, where many are predators and your worship of them will seem like a disease to people in the future, when that comes crashing down and truth stuns you into acceptance?

Just ponder what it means to really seek the truth. For me? Is key to the great adventure which just keeps rolling along.

Web is shredding so much and replacing with better rapidly. Just wish were faster.

James Harris

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

How intellectual assets can push

There were a lot of assumptions I had in the past about certain things where my experience as a person having information content drawing interest from around the globe has shown those to be completely wrong.

Like yes, knew the web lets information fly more easily as solves the information distribution problem, but maybe was less willing to accept at face value my early successes. Like my open source software project roared off in ways, though not with big download numbers.

That mixed message was understandably confusing. And would be years before had more objective data with country counts where now realize went into a bit of shock. So would repeat and repeat and still repeat, but then you are a person with a global product in over 100 countries, now what?

For years figured would figure it out eventually while trying lots of things, but did not understand the money connection. Spent years working on understanding money, to only realize that developing business connections was important, without being sure how.

Where for too long took for granted having what I now call a regular job, where that gets put out of reach when you consider for some company dealing with a potential employee who should have a company managing that product in over 100 countries.

And that was just one global thing. Also have my blogs. Each is massively global except one, which is Lost in Commentary, which is more US politics focused is why am sure.

As much as I like to be meta in that I reference my own experience can run into limits with that where with global? How do you learn? So look to others.

Like am using Google as a reference more as they had a service without revenue for a bit, so makes me think, needed to sell something to investors? But what? Google eventually noticed little ads could work is how like to put it, and didn't even figure that out completely themselves. Another company was doing something or other and they all worked that out.

Which is comforting. With my product Class Viewer if had worked at it, might have forged relationships with software companies maybe? To promote their products especially if new somehow, through some connection to my app? Just guessing but even with that is more focused than in the past. Where am vague as now brainstorming just a bit.

Of course for YEARS was struggling with the math things. Where didn't even know how to explain. And in the past would have considered too wacky for me to feel credible talking to businesses. Now is solid, and have a good handle on how situation is like it is. Looking at Uber and Lyft with taxi companies helped MUCH. Could watch another situation where innovation was running into massive resistance where is SO simple could appreciate how that behavior is more emotional than rational.

So my various intellectual assets, which am thrilled to have, got me to a place where am potentially known as like to put it, in over 150 countries. The pull of the ideas is real influence, which means can have a beneficial impact on the world regardless of other. And have zero revenue as too long resisted understanding fully implications of such things in terms of difficulty with a job relationship like before. While for a long time did not feel confident enough because of math things to establish best business relationships.

Whew! Well that explains much. It does not explain all though, but covers a lot of ground.

So yeah, I DID have to work to explain the math until could do so potentially for some business evaluating a business relationship. And have had to explain the country numbers as to how could have such global reach, without revenue. And had to explain the influence without the money.

Which has been a lot of work, but glad most of that is done, with quite a few blog posts.

James Harris

Driven to know

One of the best things about the web is easier access to information. Have noted to myself now when simply do a search when in the past would have had to plan a trip to the public library, or merely speculate on something or go from memory.

That ease of access to information shifts promotion as--why listen to some person paid to tell you something if you know someone who used something, or can tap into benefits of thousands of conversations of people using a product talking on social media? Discuss that line of thinking more with this G+ post as find it convenient to simply link out there.

Which explains how I gained influence with valuable knowledge including knowledge I discovered, as web enabled that to flow, and more and more people look to best sources.

Also reveals how separate other systems actually are, which then helps explain my problems in figuring out how to make money. The systems for making money are appropriately completely separate which is an odd conclusion to consider for people brought up in the 20th century.

People like me who grew up in that time were presented with so much where it took money for that to happen. Which was often the money that paid for television itself from advertisers, as television was the primary line to the mass market.

But television was and is a MUCH smaller pipe for information than the web, which is being nice and absorbing it, in a process of slow digestion which will help television in the long run am sure. And television was SO MUCH one way, while now social media means that television shows must keep up with feedback or ignore at their peril.

Web simply gives more information. Like in looking at content that is still firmly behind or going behind paywalls with movies, can learn much about when people are quite happy to pay. And I think is when feel get a good value for that money, where how do you know? And then can understand better how finding quality on the web for products or services where people wish you to pay is still problematic in general.

So yeah, does make sense how I could immediately gain vast influence with the reality of major discoveries and powerful ideas, while finding that separated from other things like money and celebrity.

(The press refusal to discuss me is another thing entirely though.)

That also is a global benefit as yeah, lots of things WERE believed about money am sure and still are with plenty of folks. But now I have valuable information showing just how wrong that view is, and simply.

Have my own story, but also now feel better understand the example of Google and the rise of web search as well as what happened with competitors. Where paid advertising? Does Google need to advertise web search?

My understanding is, no. And now feel like have a simple explanation where being meta, relying on my own experience has given important clues to figure it all out. Which is helpful for people around our planet.

Now then, still DO have to figure out how to make money myself. One thing though is that as people better understand please talk my story! That is so much what celebrity actually is. And do NOT want much, but somehow am in a bizarre situation where everything I try, to make money, runs into a wall.

Is an intriguing puzzle.

Have been forced to rely completely on community for years now, even for small amounts of money making with work, where that is community placed and temporary.

Or just talk to me: what is going on?

Can figure out so many things and have things with demonstrated usefulness to the world, so why so much quiet? And why so hard to find anything whatsoever can do any more where get paid in return for my efforts?

Am I missing something?

Regardless there is the global benefit as better understand how web has helped so much already, as more and more we focus on people who know best. Which gives us better knowledge rules.

James Harris

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Rethinking my analysis

Have talked much about things, and finally admitted that was a goal of mine with discovery to combat racist thinking, where had a big discovery in 2002, and more since. So now over 15 years later is time to ponder yet again what is going on.

Of course simplest thing is: racism is in play there too.

Long have avoided that one, as have global reach. And for quite some time figured that racist suppression should be nullified by lots of countries but maybe was a big naive, eh?

My prime counting discovery though back then rewrote the thinking in one of the biggest areas of number theory. Had another HUGE result that went live in 2004 that revealed a massive flaw in thinking in number theory.

And eventually wandered into other areas, and can racism explain certain people ignoring all of it? Or making the appearance, as I got VAST amounts of influence anyway?

Regardless why did I run into a wall with making money?

And really happened almost immediately after I put my picture up...ok, maybe have been deliberately obtuse on that one.

But is like, how much does it take to tear down that wall?

You beat the system. Can explain the system. And somehow am still trapped by this simple thing of figuring out how to get some revenue?

Yup. Can we just say American racism is fighting back against me in the old way that worked so well against those freed? Which is to somehow cut my revenue?

Is not like it changes much in OUR times. These things like this blog are free. My social media is active relentlessly 24 hours a day. Just does make me uncomfortable.

And just seems SO MEAN to me, but why is it happening? Am not sure. Must ponder.

How is it being done?


James Harris

Monday, March 12, 2018

Value, market and the web

My view has long been that the web gives you the benefit of easy, wide distribution of information, which for an information product or service should be great! However, of course with such easy also there is more competition, which I also think is great, for consumers, as long as people can find best quality.

Web authority helps there greatly which for most is simply search!

Much to help then in producing great business for information on the web, but where is it?

Considering things as typical on the web now, still appears that money is being used more to try and capture people's attention with an endless war of trying to push ads with mass market approach, which people naturally endlessly try to avoid.

Yet the web has the potential for so much smarter.

Also with my own things have the oddity of global attention in a community way, which has been so separate from money, am finding have to talk it--and solve the problem.

So what is going on?

Well let's say I have a product which primarily involves information, like software or a picture, or a movie, and I want to let people determine quality and pay me if they think is a quality product, how can they?

Relentlessly global systems on the web do NOT give people the ability to pay after determining quality first.

Yet people do that all the time--for purchases made off the web. They even use the web to help check and to help find quality things, to go buy something like at a store.

Where that is so obvious am more and more suspicious.

Who are the people helped by the system as it stands? Money people and people with big corporations where more and more are working to dominate the web.

Where the web can simply push back. Web can destroy any corporation with its current level of power and is getting stronger. Or less dramatically, customers can rapidly find out the truth through the web, and what business can survive if bulk of its customers abandon it?

Like consider movie industry in my country, discovering can no longer rely on made-up arbitrary rules for movies, but needs to make movies audiences actually want. Because social media helps us know.

The marketplace of ideas is coming am sure. But lots of financial misery too often in the meantime for people with quality products and services who try to rely on web primarily now, as keep finding are forced to money people, who try to exploit them ruthlessly from what I've noticed.

The worst, in my opinion, of the money people work to turn those they control to a telemarketer mentality--pushing relentless promotion in demands for attention BEGGING people to pay them for things, or threatening them if they do not PAY UP.

That does not lead to great business experience. And again, notice where can find such business behavior OFF the web, eh? Like where. Will ponder and maybe update. Probably some huckster zone.

Is interesting, so I study. And THAT is the full explanation. The web has the potential but the frameworks have to be established so that once you figure out quality of a product or service FIRST on the web THEN you can pay the person who actually is providing.

James Harris

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Foundations in our new reality

Trying to feel legitimate has been hard for me. So difficult to talk about my daily things with others, and finally focused more on telling here on this blog, as well as some on others. And still is kind of hard, but makes more sense and feels more real to me now.

Like my decision to look for simpler processes with math paid off HUGE, and was so much modular.

Where modular is of course used all over the place, like with cargo ship containers. And also with kitchenware where you can have all these containers nestled within each other, of the same size.

Reached for modular years ago with math, and found out was an underdeveloped area, so got two things as a result: easier and smaller.

Which did NOT go over very well with the math people, and now over 18 years since invented my primary modular approach they will not acknowledge it, nor discoveries made with it. Which is not so atypical.

Like finally realized could look at what is going on with rideshare, have a very verbose post talking meta much where bring up about halfway through near the end.

That helped a lot with perspective as talking about how people take rides. Seems simple enough. Yet consider the battles.

Shifting from there to my own was easier then.

So then was more like, oh, I found more modular with math. Yes, there was modular with math already, but I took to the next level. Which was a key innovation disrupting entire math discipline.

Much easier to process such a sentence for me at least.

Why do not people just accept new when is better? Have thought about much also, and consider, lots of people actually DO, which is what fueled the growth of Uber and also Lyft as two main ones I know. Have actually used Lyft myself.

But yeah, what if taxi companies had simply let people book rides online? And pay for rides with their smartphones? Versus fight Uber?

Is human nature I think when established people see an interloper, crossing into their territory, and get mad, versus, stop, ponder and say--cool innovations!

For me means have global without other as so much other is controlled by the establishment people.

And more and more am like, who cares. I wouldn't, if I had the money thing figured out. Eventually my story goes into the math textbooks and the history books, and those math people like taxi companies simply have to adapt to change.

With simple explanation though, can also ponder: What if such folks won? Well like with Uber and Lyft and companies like them, then you'd simply lose the ability to do things they offer. Am sure taxi companies would be forced EVENTUALLY to allow you to use smartphones for the same things, but history reflects could delay for a long time.

Is weird actually.

With my things was able to casually make math discoveries when I felt like it. The math people still refusing to acknowledge my results are in a doldrums really. But what do they care? Math people still get paid.

Luckily most of the math that science and technology needs is well developed enough. And clearly humanity isn't that excited about what might be missed until the latest and greatest finally gets properly adopted, which will change am sure once people better understand.

May be partly because of how much we have with what already is here though. We have so much brilliant already, thankfully.

So I get lots of chill time for many reasons. Am appreciating it more and more.

Still problem of a paycheck for myself is pushing me creatively. Am looking more at entertainment things and finally focusing my creativity on science fiction.

Where also is really so cool got to experience SO MUCH the global attention without any of so much other as then could carefully figure out what actually goes with it, and what does not. Plenty of times much of the drama felt intensely? Was clearly just ME trying to process and adjust to shift in my reality from MY discoveries.

That is something else. Like so much of who you were gets shattered, and has to be remade, but also is healthy, because is positive change for positive reasons.

So yeah, gets easier to talk as process. And with foundations more firmly set, can also feel better with perspective and a confidence have done things of value for lots of folks, including myself.

Discovery is so much fun. These other things are just part of our human reality and also have learned quite a bit which could help so many people too. Is very cool.

James Harris

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Talking fair advantage

There can be a HUGE problem with arbitrary lines in a society, where I like to define things.

And will admit have many times noticed situations where are competitive, when some person, usually a guy will SUDDENLY talk race, as is clear he has no advantage.

Which is one thing, but if you have been taught that you have race as a fair advantage, and are losing otherwise so think you can psych out another person by bringing it up? Then can be something where you may feel comfortable.

Where I would look at such a person, at times, suddenly smug. He thinks he has won something, and is sad, as is without merit.

Would find myself mentally shaking my head, thinking to myself, yet another one.

Life lessons for such people can be harsh. Where with me, of course remain polite, but no, not useful as a psych-out. But it does help for me that I have encountered it routinely enough, am not surprised by it. Just disappointed.

And is actually pseudo-class as if say, are in the United Kingdom, and someone notes he is a member of the English nobility, guess what? Is a legitimate class position recognized by society.

But here in the US, there is no such class system at all, not even in decline as is there. So that person? Who thinks he can rely on race to overcome his shortcomings? His belief in fair advantage was probably taught to him, by his parents or community, in a nation that does NOT recognize it.

Which yeah can lead to violence.

Few people realize that actual class does involve violence, as failure to acknowledge social rules is not exactly a good way to get ahead in society. And like to bring up the United Kingdom as one of the most famous where no, am confident class is NO LONGER violently enforced, but it was, in the past.

In Old England--insult the king, could lose your head.

Here in the US, you have people with that attitude and they can go on killing sprees. Which has been big in the news last few years. Where it does help to recognize the problem of pseudo-class and pseudo-nobility who can run rampant in a society when not checked.

Merit rules are just better.

So how did the US get this problem? Well that story have talked much! Where honesty is best. Besides it is an interesting story. People who somehow get taught they are innately superior who just go down in flames when forced to actually compete on merit.

Yet there are others who support them, and believe in things that are not true. And to them? Race is fair advantage.

Web disrupts in a very basic way: facts tell.

Is MUCH harder to simply lie about success in our times. Like in the past not only were arbitrary race rules used for some to steal the accomplishments of others, but also they were as has also been more publicly clear, often brutal to women. So yeah, you'd have guys quite comfortable with lack of ability who would claim credit and rewards of success, for things actually done by others.

The web makes that harder to do.

Web enables merit rules with facts shared. Which is a great thing actually.

James Harris

Thursday, March 08, 2018

Out of a shell and public facing

Does feel good to freely admit now was chasing math discovery as a reaction against American racism. Quietly resolved to not only find something that would blow away racist notions, but which could be done without a doubt. Which meant math.

Still am nervous on the subject though. Which I think is understandable.

Focus on math was to get around people fighting to deny the truth. Math has that ability to be perfectly provable.

And was right to so focus! Had accomplished my goal by summer 2002, and beyond my wildest dreams by 2004 with something else, and have done more since! And not surprisingly various systems pushed back so have been slowly teasing them apart, where weirdly enough not all were racist.

Where have explained those systems so here can talk more about other, like what happens to you when you have global reach, which for me was thanks to the web.

It messes with your mind.

People think it is about press and money and I thought so as well, until was dealing with things, and not having those just meant could process quietly without it being all over the press or embarrassing myself in situations around people with money.

Turns out the press just chases after people who get attention, usually. So was like am just one of the biggest they willfully ignored, and at first was mad then was glad! Especially as learn more about the reality of how things work. Usually for even most celebrities the press is a rarer thing which is about promotion, or is about something negative. So who cares?

When was in San Francisco, was often furious too as did not understand what was going on and was worried would not achieve my dreams when already had really but how to know? Also found myself strutting around at times like this huge global figure. Of course was looking not only at web stats which I emphasize but DOING things as well.

Like will admit did NOT directly influence the 2008 election in Obama's favor. But was active around that election in other ways. And have taken a position not to pick political figures, and not to influence elections. Which has been important overseas.

My view is that politicians should earn their positions, which means winning elections on merit.

So yeah, like am fascinated by British politics but by my ideals will not directly interfere with them. DO at times like to help make fun of them, but I know that is part of their culture, with some things just hilarious! Like here in the US we like ripping on presidents.

For nations that is important, so no--my one planet, many peoples and one human species philosophy is also about not interfering, where look at national boundaries as of HUGE importance. It would take quite a bit for me to cross that line and would talk it out much before would do it.

These are the kinds of things that press should have been questioning me on, and they know why, but for others sounds pretentious am sure, unless also know why, and maybe wondered. So no, despite my interest in the area was dedicated to the idea that any person for the presidency should earn the position on merit only. So will not endorse a candidate on something as specious as race, as am ONLY looking for merit. For now will not endorse any political candidate. That could change for the US only though.

Made up my own political party to help me in this area, which is not official so can claim myself as only one following it. Which helps me separate from others in American politics.

For years really went into a shell in many ways, which got worse when got laid off from my regular job doing data entry at a major insurance company. Maybe was more like what one would expect for a global figure. Happened after I decided needed to put my picture up. Decided was my duty to show a Black man in a different way, who had global reach.

The willful lack of discussion around me in certain areas IS deliberate am sure. And am like that kind of thing worked in the past. With me just lets me take you apart without you saying anything about it, if you are certain organizations like press or certain businesses or political people.

And have done it. Have done it many times and it amazes me that people can learn things that worked for over 150 years after slavery which do not work with the web, and quietly go down in flames, knowing am telling them am doing it. I like to let them know ahead of time, you know?

Ever more sophisticated techniques developed for a 20th century world. But in 21st century can simply explain them. And study them with some fascination. In essence were systems working to NOT have merit rules so mostly males who lacked sufficient ability, could be successful regardless.

Now their authority is being checked.

THAT is the part other people maybe do not witness and cannot understand when some dysfunctional yet powerful organization simply crumbles when I told them would do it, where will admit that requires help! And lots of it. And they just implode. Web enables. Or in other words do NOT completely understand how it all happens either just that it is possible because of the web.

Then headlines then around the world, but not the correct explanation.

Is important to admit I do NOT completely understand the process and was a source of much back-and-forth with myself for years. So you reality check, which is the other reason to inform ahead of time. But also found limits. And very important limits with web help in general, especially if was a personal problem, as in, never worked for a personal problem. Seemed to routinely work for global problems, and you can get a vast range of emotions on that one. Like I have this job without a paycheck for it, and realize, yeah, actually I do.

Leaving me with the task of also finding still a paying occupation, which also I learned has to be completely separate! Where for some time seemed so wrong, and now am like, oh, I understand better. Still is kind of thing is better to learn sooner than later--before you become impoverished. And have discussed my current financial desperation on another blog. Yup, talking a personal problem, so yeah DO keep trying. Do talk so many things out now.

And you think then I can simply be moved by being ignored? I think that is funny. Gave me time to process but have pushed myself recently as ponder my responsibilities. Part of me simply wished to just withdraw from the world as much as possible. And for years in many ways did, into a protective shell.

With much progress and the web picking up steam in shredding so many of those prior systems was ironic to note to myself, maybe I never needed my dream anyway. The web by allowing information to flow freely is helping radically debunk delusions of innate superiority of a ruthless and cruel few still left with them.

Regardless feels good that not only DID I achieve my goals, but was right--needed math. AND got to quietly process through reality of high levels of attention, without that making headlines around the globe.

Public facing is very important for me because is a constant thing with my global presence. My blogs and other social media do most of the heavy lifting there though. They are very good at it too. While my global is easily checked by others. And more and more understand a lot more about why certain things are done in certain ways, as reality is, for each of us, how we look public? Matters much.

James Harris

Friday, March 02, 2018

Guess is real

Have a cool situation which is very hard to explain, though I clearly do try, a lot. Where for years just found it difficult to believe. Part of me did believe but for logical reasons. But getting the emotion there was very hard, because so much seemed so impossible.

More recently realized that I should just accept things objectively and rely on facts, especially those from third parties, like Google, without giving them grief. Is so wacky too. Looking at web stats was like, really? Or are they messing with me? Which went on for YEARS.

Was easier on me as escaped certain emotions and learned some things, like my walk-away test for ideas.

Now when I think I have a great idea I try to just let it go. So I quit thinking about it, and move on to other things.

With some prior ideas that would go on for years, and eventually the idea pushes itself back into the forefront, and with some things realized I was stuck with them. Could not get rid of them if I tried.

Then wondered more about why would I try? And was always about social things.

Web gave me the global attention regardless, but then had to learn how to handle the rest. Where was comforting to simply at times, figure maybe there is nothing. Let that idea go. Make it prove itself. Then push it away again, and again, and again.

So how do ideas push back? Well once shared, like here, they start changing things.

The ideas do not literally push back. Are like really hard as in immutable objects. Ideas are just solid really. Is interesting how people can think different as have pondered why. Am like, oh, you THINK something is an idea, when is some malformed thing masquerading. The real deal well, are like I said, immutable.

Just because some other human calls something an idea does not make it what I call an idea. To me may be some mismatch of concepts where maybe do not even really relate to each other. So will not work.

The real deal ideas can just change things.

They just get shared, and that sharing leads to changes. Then am looking at things, and realize, yeah, is my idea that did it, as people used the idea. Then you start questioning and trying to find some other explanation.

Which is how have spent about fifteen years really, when was sure with one thing by most measures, which was my way to count prime numbers. Then also yeah, you can check social things.

So, guess is real. Am finally at a point where have done all kinds of tests. Have checked things and re-checked just about every way possible. And have deliberately put out ideas to change problem areas in the world. Where then it is very much emotion and logic have to work together.

After all, if am going to change something on a global scale, have to believe I can do it, and believe is something need to do, so emotion has to be there. Logic just tells me when I can, not if I should.

Which is the surprise. Why cannot I have a logical system to tell me when I should use ideas to make some particular change in our world? Because is the feeling that keeps you from coming up with those very logical solutions which are really not the right thing to do.

Yeah that is it. Emotion has to be there to make the right decisions, as try to balance what one can do, with what one...will do.

James Harris